This is the third part of the Supernatural Symbol presentation.
Pentagrams Part One)
Pentagrams Part Two )
This part of the presentation gives examples of the different meanings and uses for a pentagram/pentacle. Many are still being used today!
When using a pentagram in ritual form, each point can have a meaning:
- 4 basic elements plus a spiritual being such as Gaia or Mother Earth
In the past it has also represented:
- The 5 virtues: generosity, fellowship, purity, courtesy and mercy
- The 5 wits or senses: sight, taste, touch, hearing and smell
- The first 5 books of the Torah
This is from the ancient Temple of Capernaum in Israel where they used both the 5 pointed and 6 pointed star...
This is a Chinese Elemental pentagram, Each element representing a type of personality:
Here's an online test to see which element
may dominate your personality.
(Personal note: My office has taken this test and shared the results. I found myself understanding some of my coworkers much better because I could identify their particular traits. Very interesting, fun and useful!)
You can assign anything to each point and make it your own, and you can change it at any time depending on what you need. You can use this to banish (send away) energy or bring in (invoke) energy. And to do that you need to draw the pentagram a certain direction. (remember this is to be drawn in an unbroken line) One way will invoke, another banish.
As one piece, it has represented:
- Protection, Security
- The Star of Bethlehem
- Perfection
- Health
- Good fortune
- Human Beings - this was meant to reflect the idea of man being a perfected work of God.
…So for over 4,000 years the pentagram had been a positive and globally used symbol and look what we’ve done to it in just a relative short time in human history!
The next presentation will focus on the sun part of the anti-possesion tattoo!
Thanks again for taking a look! I would also love to hear your thoughts, perceptions and what you have heard/thought about the pentagram.