[1] What did you last read?
Virtual Light - William Gibson
[2] What are you reading now?
Car Crash Cultures, edited by Mikita Brottman
[3] What do you plan to read next?
One of the books i got for Xmas, or The Subcultures Reader for school.
[4] What would you like to read, but don't have?
The Complete Short Stories or Millenium People by J.G
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Comments 7
that the big one with the circular saw on the cover?
lots of essays?
I <3 that book
I must list my sociology books for you in case you want to read any of them.
yeeeh, I found it in my room at my parents house. I musta got it when I was doing sociology nd then just figured it wasn't worth taking with me when i went to London to do photography all those years ago :)
I remember really enjoying it...and yeh, it'd be good to see you're books ;)
Great Books. Check out Creative Visualization by: Shakti Gawain
Well worth the read as it is short and to the Point. Late: Have a Good
Sig Sivar
Look. See? Oh Fuck Yeah just Like That!
They're set in a much closer reality than the far-future of Neuromancer etc. The tech is less hi and more believable. And seems less gratuitous. One thing that annoys me about some Cyberpunk writing is the way the tech adds nothing to the story, just seems to be thrown in as a crowdpleaser.
I've read Idoru, but not the other two from that trilogy.
The stories in Burning Chrome are my absolute favorite things ever.
Helen: I've got an anthology called Posthumanism which I think has the Cyborg Manifesto in, you're welcome to borrow it if it does (or even if it doesn't).
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