As always, thanks for reading and reviewing.
Title: The Price of Love
agent_omega Genre: Angst
Rating: K.
Pairings: Mal/Inara.
Location on Firefly Universe Timeline: Sometime after the events of the BDM.
Spoilers: “Serenity”; “Heart of Gold”.
Summary: A different kind of companion now, Inara offers a different kind of companionship.
Disclaimer: The people, places, and plentiful paraphernalia you know and love/hate are the property of their respective owners, namely Joss Whedon, his associates, and any groups which control or are controlled by said individuals. No profit is made by the author of this work of fiction from the creation or distribution of said work, nor is any infringement intended. Plagiarism is considered a serious criminal offense, and punishable by law. Please ask before redistributing this work.
Length without header: 1 page(s) at 12-point Times New Roman font; 266 words; 1,407 characters including spaces.
Feedback: Some authors don’t care about feedback. I am not one of those authors. Giving feedback tells me that you took the time to read it and cared enough to comment on it. Receiving feedback is a wonderful thing, and every author should experience it.
Notes: In this story, Mal and Inara have been married (Mal/Inara ‘shippers rejoice!) for a few years. The marriage proposal mentioned here exists as a partially-completed work, and I’m trying hard to get it finished ASAP.
The Price of Love
By Agent_Omega
“Never forget the journey which has led to your destination.”
- Unknown
He has traded the cross around his neck for one upon his shoulders, and she sees it eating him; like poison flames licking away at his soul.
Guilt for a crime he committed without knowing, a crime she has long since pardoned.
She tries to comfort him in the moments when it threatens to consume him; holding him in her arms and pressing soft kisses to his lips, telling him with gentle words that they were both fools in their previous life.
He accepts her reassurances, but she knows they bring him no solace; he is his own worst critic, and can never forget years ago when he drove her away in tears.
She feels it always, just beneath the surface; every touch is an apology for the anguish he once inflicted upon her heart.
She understands his reasons and does not push him; this is his burden, the only one he will not share with her.
It is his penance, and he bears it in silence; paying without objection the price he has placed on her love.
She wonders sometimes how he can demand so much of himself.
She forgave him for his sin the night he let go of his pride and admitted his love for her; the night he asked her to marry him.
She said yes, and has never regretted the decision; the scales of her life have finally found a balance between past and future.
Someday, she hopes, his own scales will find balance, and he will forgive himself.