Kyota wanted one, and I'm sure the rest of T/D does, too. Also, I can't put it on Rooster Teeth because of the rumors and bullshit going on about Rane and I. So...this will be a long post.
I suppose I'll start with Thursday. I had to get up at 4.15 in the morning to haul ass to get to JFK for my morning flight, which for non-New Yorkers, means it is Queens. And I'm in New Jersey. Pain in the ass but it was the cheapest direct flight I could get. So...the flight ended up getting in early to Seattle and I was like, "Sweet! I'll have more time to rest!"
...Yeah, that didn't happen. Why, may you ask?
Because I got hopelessly fucking lost for two and a half hours. I kept getting on the wrong buses in the wrong direction, etc. People were really nice about it though. Once I said, "I don't know where I'm going; I'm from New York" they were able to give me directions. Nothing in the world would have made me say "New Jersey". At least I sound cooler when I say NY. xD
So, most of that time, too, was spent trying to organize a meet up with LFTO members who got in Thursday. BuckeyeDon couldn't make it but I managed to get Rec, Archer, Archer's friend Steve and Rane to go. I was supposed to meet them at Rec's hotel but got hopelessly lost and ended up in front of the Westin instead. Rec's first words to me were "So you're the directionally challenged one, huh?"
He was the first LFTOer I was able to put a face to the voice, though I had seen pics of Archer before so I knew what looked like. Rec's iPhone, however, seemed to have a talent for finding places that were closed or out of business so we piled into Cheesecake factory at like, 10.30pm and had a great time. Everyone parted ways at around 11.30 ish, and I ended up walking back with Rec to his hotel (so at least I knew where I was going then) and then off to mine by myself at like, midnight.
Yeah, yeah, my parents would have had a heart attack if they knew I was wandering around Seattle at past midnight by myself but I did run into Dom, a guy from RT who runs CanWest. He noticed my Meta symbol shirt.
So I get home, go on FB and leave a rant on Rooster Teeth about the bullshit that went on there that I don't feel like talking about here.
Friday--Kept waking up in the middle of the night thanks to time differences. I was texting Zeta at like, 3am because it was 6 her time, and for me, too. Finally get back to sleep but wake up at 6.15 anyway because I had to get to Rec's hotel because we were meeting in front of Subway at 7.30. I didn't get lost!!!
It ended up being me, Rec, Archer, Steve and this other guy who I hadn't met before named Rick. The RT panel wasn't until 1pm but there were other Q&As beforehand and if we wanted a good seat we had to sit through those. So we did--it was the Keynote, opening speech whatever by Warren Specter, and then a Penny Arcade Q&A that I didn't pay attention to because ecven though they run the con I had no fucking clue who they were.
MissZarah, Bean, DaProphet, BuckeyeDon, Rane and Leaf all joined us after the Q&A and we managed to file in first and second rows for the panel!!!
The first thing they showed was this week's RT Short with Gus as happyribbonslady05 (I think that was the name) and you should have heard the laughter across the auditorium. I was changing between laughing and cringing at some points. The "What has been seen can never be unseen" rule was definitely in effect here.
Then came the Q&A where MissZ stood up and said, "If you kill Wash and Meta I'm talking my dolls back". She made this really cool Russian nesting dolls of the Freelancers that she gave to Burnie and the guys, and which actually show up in the background of a few RT shorts.
And then...the episodes. They showed both smushed together and I won't say anything more about it except that it was incredible and I was on the edge of my seat so many times.
After the panel we all met up for lunch, and Luke McKay and his wife joined us! That was really cool. After that we hit the RT booth, and I got the Revelation DVD, and the BGC re-mastered. Got my original BGC box set signed and we took a whole bunch of pics. Burnie loved my Sarge skirt and asked to take a picture of it, which made me *squee*.
Like, Burnie motherfucking Burns liked something *I* made. MissZ, Bean, DaProphet02 and I ended up at the Sheraton in the room BuckeyeDon and Prophet shared. We had fun timez with the Buck!hat, and MissZ painted my nails and we talked about writing--slash, Lessons Learned, and Prodigal Son. So much fun.
Afterward ended up going back to the hotel room with Bean and MissZ later, and we just talked and talked and talked. They're such amazing, smart, strong women and I really admire them. We ended up having a lot in common, which was awesome. Especially MissZ and I on matters of religion--I never thought I'd find someone else like me and who understood!
Saturday-- So, Saturday was when things got...interesting between Rane and I. Got up early again for the Halo Reach panel with Buck, Rec, Rane, Leaf, and this guys who's RT name I don't remember. It was pretty cool though I don't play Halo. Just wanted to see what it would be like for RvB.
Hit up the RT booth again, got a RT messenger bag signed by Gus, Geoff and Burnie. And pictures with Matt! Though I wish he had seen my Sarge skirt. It was Donut inspired lolita instead.
And then we were kind of tired. MissZ went to go see a friend, and Rec, Rane, Leaf and I ended up collapsing on these beanbag chairs in the corner of the hall. Someone ended up taking mine at some point when I got up or whatever, so I ended up sharing with Rane while he worked on his quote pictures (which are fucking amazing) and his Tex video which is even more amazing.
And even now, just thinking about it makes my heart flip over sort of, and get the stupid butterflies in my stomach thing. He put his arm around me and we just ended up being close. I know he felt it too. And it felt really...nice.
I ended up breaking it off with Michael that day--not because of Rane but because of some of the reasons listed in my previous LJ entry involving him. Like, I would forget I was even going out with him at times, and while I liked him he kept coming on really strong and it was overbearing and overwhelming to me with my past with Ben. I told him that several times but he still didn't really get that message across. So there was backlash for that later when he got really upset and told Typer stuff, on top of the rumors about Rane and I.
Going back to Rane and I a whole group of us went back to MissZ's, Bean's and I's hotel room and hung out, watching the Rev commentary. Rane and I again ended up on the couch together, with his arm around me and me leaning against his chest. Occasionally our hands would touch. And I can't really describe how good that felt. Mainly because I actually had experienced any physical affection of any sort in such a damn long time, first off in the romantic variety because Ben is gone, and second just in general, being somewhat alone-ish in this house. So all of us went to a dinner thing that night, and that's when the rumors really started heating up--or rather, how they began. Rane and I were once again together, and MissZ and Bean wanted to stay longer. They didn't want me walking back to the hotel alone, so they made Rane take me back. And Rec texted someone saying "South and Rane left together" and that spread like wildfire on RT.
Yes, we were in the room alone together.
No, nothing happened. Not a damn thing. Beisdes us sitting together in the same way, and watching Rev. We did do the "sock on the door" RT Shorts joke, except with my frilly pink Baby the Stars Shine Bright sock, which was funny. And he said to me, "You're really cute and I liked you but I don't do the long distance relationship thing" which was fine by me. He lives in Virginia, btw.
Yeah, I totally did want something to happen, though. I think he did, too.
Ah well.
Sunday was really laid back. Wandered around the Expo Hall for a while, went down to Pike Place Market. Rane would occasionally hold me close to him around the waist while we walked which was cue for a brain melt/heart flip over from me. We went back to the Sheraton before my flight, sat together again. It just right and made me happy and I just felt...I dunno. Connected. He said that despite the rumors he was really glad we got to hang out or whatever, and that he didn't regret anything. He, Leaf, and MissZ ended up taking me to the airport, which was nice of them. Said goodbye one by one, and he hugged me--again, damn heart flipping over--and said "Talk to me on Skype" which of course I would.
So I went home, semi-short flight thank God. Hauling my luggage through the various train statiosn was a pain in the ass though because I had moar of it thanks to my shopping. Oh, also got the "Fear My Laserface" shirt.
Last night was...interesting, too. Talking to hi,. First off, I lost all my articulation. He invited me into a group call with Oro, Typer, Daft, Leaf and a few other people I didn't know. Later, according to Typer this was an Auria group call and he has NEVER seen Rane invite a girl into the call before (Daft is involved in the project and is a friend and Typer didn't mean that) and said it was possible Rane was actually thinking of me as possible girlfriend material, considering that.
We actually talked about it later. First, me telling him he should go to PAX East so I could see him again, but he says he doesn't really have the money for it. But he wants to see me again, I think, talking about seeing if he could convince his parents to go to NYC around New Year's. He also said he has family in NJ and could easily make the drive up further to me...
We kind of ended up having a bit of an awkward conversation where I abused ellipses and made best friends with my laptop keyboard because I was headdesking.
This, however....
[12:39:04 AM] Rane: i just think it seemed like we had something good going at pax, and... y'know... i kinda liked it.
He kind of trailed off too because he doesn't do long distance relationship but...he kind of ended the sentence there. Both of us don't really know how to step forward with this, it's kind of an awkward waltz in a way.
He had his webcam on at some point and he showed me his kitty. Who was really cute. It was also sweet on his part, to see him holding her and stuff. Made me like him even more. I just...I dunno. he's smart and funny and for some reason (God knows why) likes me of all people. And I like him. A lot. Obviously.
Blarg. This is a weird way to end an entry but I don't really know...what to say. Or to sort it out. Except...I has pictures of Prime!!!!