I had the oppertunity to go to San Antonio over the weekend of the 21 of January and I had a rather good time.. Mostly.
Dear Bitch Lady in the Mink Coat,
I was really enjoying my time at that fancy hotel the two of us stayed at over the weekend, it was honestly the first time I had ever been in such a nice place, of course you looked like you'd been here before. Did you know that I was there because my father is in the military and we sometimes get to do cool stuff like that for free? Maybe you did, our clothes weren't exactly that nice, not as nice as yours atleast.
So that evening we go down for dinner and because my sister's in a wheelchair, we get a seat in the front so we don't have to bother with stairs. You were sitting on the second level, not to far away, and directly in my line of vision, but you were sitting profile to me so you shouldn't have really noticed us. But you did. Why did you stare at me all through dinner? I was just trying to enjoy my pasta and salad, and there you are, stuffing yourself with your seafood and staring. right. at. me. All night. Maybe I'm just that damn sexy? Oh, and was that your husband talking to you? The one you hardly said two words to because you couldn't stop staring at me? My mother saw you to.
Now, lets fast forward a little, the next day, I go down to the cafe to get some coffee and ultimatly bask in the city life. So I sit down with my coffee to watch people out the window, and who do I see sitting at the table next to me? You. Why did I watch you, lady in the mink coat, get up out of your seat and walk all the way across the cafe to sit in the different seat? What the hell lady? You're husband looked confused when you just left him there, we actually looked at each other.
So, what happened there? Was it because I'm white? Or maybe I really am just that sexy and you couldn't handle it.
Love, Agent Sweet.
Yeah. She couldn't handle the sexy.