The TRUE Reason For LJ

Aug 02, 2005 19:13

Ok I never made this journal, it was in fact made for me by a very good friend. So I decided that for one time, I should at least attempt to write in it. What I'm going to say may insult everyone reading this, but this journal is free speech ( Read more... )

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Comments 13

_h_o_p_e_ August 3 2005, 01:28:49 UTC

Well, I'm not going to blast you. But I am going to ask you why you posted such a nasty entry and offer an opposing viewpoint.

1) Out of my 286 entries, less that 30 of them are open to the public. A lot of my entries are private. Hardly "craving attention" as you put it. Maybe this wasn't directly meant for me, but I still took offense. :-\ It's like saying that an author writes books for attention or to be noticed. I can't speak for everyone else, but I can say that I write in my LJ because I love to write. I post pictures to share, I post my writings sometimes for constructive criticism (and to share), I write about my life because I'm so excited about this crazy, never-ending journey that is my life. It's therapeutic for me. Seriously, if I didn't write down my thoughts, my feelings, my ideas.. I'd explode. I don't understand why you're so bitter about it ( ... )


_h_o_p_e_ August 3 2005, 01:31:49 UTC
1) Out of my 286 entries, less than**


agentamber August 3 2005, 02:15:13 UTC
its not about u, its about all the other (who are actually a lot) who dont discuss important issues but more themselves and stuff in LJ, im gonna start writing about important things...hey i got a use for it finally, and i know ppl and pyschology, in fact, I am very good at pyschology, I see why people do things and that's part of why i wrote that entry(also insulting myself) because I was trying to make others see things, see what they do in their "diary" as u know, i dont know how to use LJ well so I dont know this whole "private" thing I just know that most I've gone to are open. I asked like a couple of people before posting to see what they thought, the all said go ahead, thanx for accepting my opinion, in fact, i think the readers(which DOES include me) feed off of others lives sometimes, like like to go through, find their enemies and see if they had a bad day, or go thru, find their awesome friends and make sure they had a good day, its in order for them to be happy to, all based upon others fortunate or unfortunate events, ( ... )


_h_o_p_e_ August 3 2005, 02:40:56 UTC
I'm glad that we're square. :-*


myheadneedshelp August 3 2005, 03:49:12 UTC
lol, i sorta agree with you, but i don't think the motives for people (including me) are as sinister as u make them out to be. Yes, people probably do make posts to "get attention" but it's human nature to crave compasiion, people want help when they are having problems and with live journal, a network devolpes so people can help each other with their problems and celebrate with them for their triumphs. :)


agentamber August 3 2005, 03:54:37 UTC
But others use it to their advantage. They do it over and over again. I know it's human nature to want attention or to want help. A lot of LJ probably helps people who think they need it. Just for a second though let's look at the fact that some people need reassurance for everything they do. They need to be told their opinions. They need to be fed answers saying they are right. It is also human nature. BUT some of it is maturity. Maturity to the point of not forcing someone to answer that you're right or constantly needing someone to say you are or making everyone share your pity. Sometimes it is over done and that's when LJ come in to. For overdoing it all, not just supporting.
Hope that made sense, Love you all.


myheadneedshelp August 3 2005, 19:31:06 UTC
i see what you're saying, it's like, is it better to give a starving man a fish or teach a starving man to fish? I dunno, i see your point, but I think it's fine in moderation. I mean, people shouldn't comepletely rely on it, but at the same time it is a nice thing to fall back on when something bad happens and u need support


Yuppers agentamber August 3 2005, 22:24:32 UTC
Yuppers, I think this if giving the man a fish rather than teaching. Thanx for the reply!


PS agentamber August 3 2005, 03:59:08 UTC
Notice how everyone who's been on LJ defends it a lot. This could be because they think they understand it more or because they feel they've been attacked. I'm not out to get anyone. (And don't say you're not defending it because that would just prove my point)


Re: PS agentamber August 6 2005, 22:36:39 UTC
AND LJ causes miscommunications


somewhat true.. anonymous August 8 2005, 01:45:27 UTC
ok, i kinda agree with u, but there's another reason to consider. it's a way for u to communicate with ur friends. u can write about u, or anything u prefer, and allow all ur friends to read and comment on what you've written. it's an easy and convenient form for you to let your thoughts out and into the world. yes, strangers can see your so-called online journal, but for me, i've noticed that most of my guests are friends that i've known. it's not something that is seen completely by strangers. although still, u'd wanna be careful now to be so personal..


Re: somewhat true.. agentamber August 8 2005, 01:48:25 UTC
If you don't got an LJ, what's it to you? And I agree with you, but some people in VA *cough* are very personal and very attention craving, not you Linn and Erika, so don't get mad, but there are others. I bet like half of the LJ users.


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