Title: Empire State of Mind - Chapter 4: Tiptoe
Author: agentb81
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Brittany/Santana
Rating: generally 15 - R (may reach NC-17 in some chapters)
Word Count: 7000
Disclaimer: Glee is copyrighted and belongs to the creators and Fox. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes
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Comments 28
Loved cheeky fearless Britt with her teasing, telling Santana she's sexy..and saying she would eat off Santana. Loved Santana's huh? reactions. Hee hee hee and then that quiet confession as Santana dozed in her arms. The picture (yes visualising every scene like it's a movie thanks to your beautiful detail and visual descriptions) of them cuddling together, Santana so unguarded and trusting in Britt's arms that she can rest in the middle of a busy hospital..
I need more interactions and dialogue and touching between the 2. I hope San's hand makes a quicker recovery than expected, she's a toughi but also coz I can't wait to see her cooking for Britt.
Kurt has surprised me a little too, but he is such a great character to have around in this situation and just what Santana needs in a friend.
Update has been posted, I hope it meets expectations!
Your story just keeps getting better and better! Can't wait to see where you take it from here :)
Thank you, those words mean so much to me. Not much pressure there either lol
oh, it just came out on my mind that you 2 should write something together, like two stories maybe that can be related, i don't know something like that, it would be totally awesome!!!
ps: sorry for the mistakes :/ you know english is not my native language.
Lizzy is awesome, its a true fact and her writing is a great inspiration :)
Now I know you are aware of the next chapter because you have already tweeted me :)
Awww poor Mike being in love with Britt-Britt...
Well, who can resist her charmings. Just get him a girl *cofQuinncof* and make him happy too =P
Keep writing!
Lol Quinn is kinda with Sam at the moment in the fic, but you know anything can happen.
Update has been posted, so enjoy :)
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