Character profiles! These are the main characters, and only the ones I have so far. I might be adding a British Reaper in the future... He's really only British because that's a way I can change my voice, NOT to mimic the character Mason from Dead Like Me.
Name: Tina
Looks about: 24
How long dead: Just recently died… Within the last month.
Description: She has blond hair down to her shoulder blades, usually kept out of her face with a ponytail. She is gracing five feet by about three inches. Her posture is atrocious. She is slim and athletic, or at least can keep up with most people for about five minutes before she gives up. Usually has an apathetic look on her face, although she can immediately get emotionally into a situation. (For coloring: no part of her is colored.)
Job: She is a Grim Reaper, although new, so a Junior Grim Reaper… aka newbie, or rookie.
Personality: She is very apathetic and overall unmotivated. When she is pressed (and I mean, when her life is on the line) she is extremely intelligent, enough to even scare herself. However, she is usually found taking the easiest route available, and never really lived even when she was alive.
One secret about them that nobody else knows: She has a secret interest in playing the guitar, although she would never tell anybody. She took lessons for only a week before ‘giving up,’ but from time to time she practiced, and now she is actually quite good.
Favorite pastime: Sit on her bed and feel sorry for herself in an unemotional way… Moping without really caring.
Sings in shower: She hums lullabies when she thinks nobody’s listening.
Music preferences: She likes gentle songs when playing the guitar, but her usual iPod selection contains plenty of rock.
Name: Missy
Looks about: 21
How long dead: at least 100 years
Description: She is very tall, standing at a little over 5’10”. Many people have commented as to the enormity of her breasts, and she just laughs it off. She has long bangs, but the rest of her hair she has trimmed short and dyed a brilliant pink. She usually wears somewhat skimpy clothing. (For coloring: her hair is pink.)
Job: Grim Reaper. She has been there longer than many people still there, and so is considered a Senior Grim Reaper.
Personality: Missy is a very cheerful person, and it takes a while to get used to the way her voice and her words contradict. She happens to be extremely morbid, or at the very least jaded around death. She likes her job, and will go to extremes to collect souls, sometimes even if extremes aren’t necessary. She can also be insensitive to souls… possibly because she’s bitter towards a living soul.
One secret about them that nobody else knows: The only reason she hasn’t moved on is because she has unfinished business. This fact she viciously keeps guarded from everybody, including Death himself.
Favorite pastime: She really likes her job, so collecting or freeing souls is one of them. She also equally likes going to bars and clubs… anything public. One of the reasons is drinking; the other is messing with people’s heads.
Sings in shower: Only all the time.
Music preferences: She sounds like she would be into ska, but she is often heard listening to heavy metal music.
Name: Death (aka the Grim Reaper, Thanatos, etc)
Looks about: his looks can change, but they usually shift between 11 and 24
How long dead: He invented the concept.
Description: When he’s 11, he is about 4’11”, if that. His hair is black and unruly, and he has more piercings than a shrapnel victim. He has a tattoo under his left eye and shows absolutely no emotion (almost all of the time). He can be seen carrying a scythe (especially when being traditional). His outfit is usually black, and he’s into hoods. When he looks 24, he just looks older and taller-nothing else really changes.
Job: He is The Death. His very presence ensures that souls escape their bodies, and with the help of the Grim Reapers, he goes around to collect souls. There are different levels of difficulty with collecting souls, so most often he takes the extremely difficult or horrible cases.
Personality: After being associated with the loss of loved ones, he has, of course, become extremely closed off… especially since he knows that just by existing, everybody he ever encounters will leave him someday. Most people don’t even attempt to make a personal connection with him, usually out of fear or intimidation.
One secret about them that nobody else knows: Most of his work is heavily guarded secrets. His guilty harmless secret is that he really, really enjoys caramels. To the point of not being able to control himself while eating one. It’s embarrassing, so he doesn’t do it often, and never in public.
Favorite pastime: Playing the guitar and staring into the sunset like a good little emo.
Sings in shower: He doesn’t sing. Ever.
Music preferences: His appearance is definitely punk, and his music preferences back that up.