Recently, I have come to believe that no average citizen really needs a blog. In this age of Facebook status updates and Tweets, I thought that a normal person with out an agenda propagate or something to promote really needs more that 140 characters to keep their friends hip to what's going on
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Comments 3
I miss Live Journal. I really, really used to think it was a luxury and an indulgence to spend time communicating with friends here, and I decided I was spending much too much time here. But I'm wondering if, even if it is a luxury and indulgence, if it might not also be a pretty good thing - for all of us.
I liked reading your post and Wendi's comment much more than I liked posting how well I've done in Scramble or noting that somebody found a lost cow on their farm in Farmville. Those things are fine, but they don't take the place of fellowship through communication.
At this stage in my life, I find a struggle for personal meaning in the actions of my life. I want to know that what I did mattered. I suppose it has something to do with my mortality.
It doesn't mean that joviality and humor are unimportant, for they are not. It is an acknowledgment that the things I do actually have meaning. It is my desire that the Ultimate Meaning may be known through my actions.
Frankly, I've rarely used ever Twitter, nor have I any such account for that service. If something's worth saying, it's worth saying with the fullest expression... not a headline or "news minute."
And as you acknowledged, questions are frequently more brief than their answers ever are.
Ever been asked "why?"
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