I think Izzy is preggers

Mar 22, 2007 22:39

So in taking a break from doing nothing and spending my time doing nothing, i once again find myself watching grey's and writing up my thoughts

I'm beginning to see that Jane Doe's relationship with Alex is kinda mirroring that of Izzy's and Deny's.
Now the question is, am i the only one to notice this? or maybe i'm not.

guh, 11 minutes into this and that foot thing is gross and thank god i don't feel as sick as george.

As much as McDreamy "loves" Mer...its a little cheesy.

"The eyes of my death mother" that's kinda scary seeing how we now know that she haunts the halls

"I'm never going to drink again" THAT sounds familiar.

AW!!! Poor Izzy. She loves George.

Commercial time.
"Say yes to Beautiful"...if cheap soap can give me that lady's like in the 30 seconds of that commercial...ok!

i've said it and i'll say it again. I DON"T GET AMERICA"S DEAL WITH DANCING WITH THE STARS!!!!! it makes no sense. its not even decent tv, i'd rather watch american Idle.
Now, get me a show where they have to dance like Gene Kelly, sing like Judy Garland, and act like Elizabeth Taylor.

Addison, i love your glasses and hair. I hope your new show is all about your hair and glasses. ::laughs:: and hour of that, perfect.

Mmmm....Man-Whore ::drools::

Oh poor Addison....Izzy looks like a little girl asking her big sister for a advice. just in this case its asking how to be an adulteress from your adulterating sister.
HUH?!?! Why bring god into this?

Um...Xtina (totally calling her that from now on) nice bedside manner...

Clever in bringing in Mark back into the Mer-Dreamy story line...but its a little..um..its been done before. And it kinda stale. Lets get back to Izzy and the O'malley's please!

Um..Sheryl, as much as i'm not much of fan of your current music and albums, I still love you (Globe Sessions still my FAV!!!) Please i beg of you, bring back the real hair color (or at least something similar to it if your head is full of Greys ::hee:: grey's tie in!!) i mean at least you're not ironing and perming it straight to the last inches of its life! Yay for curly hair!!
Bring it back babe...bring it back.
And stop with the bad country music...i know they are your roots...but you sold more records with the rock/pop. Take a page out of your friend Liz Phair's book.

Back to grey's.

Yay the Nazi is back.
Shit Sloan has the right now plan.

Damn it. Alex acting all nice...he's totally taking George's old place in my heart.

HEY its that guy ::laughs:: Callie's dad is THAT guy. Which did you know he's Hispanic! Yay for Hispanic.

::Laughs:: Linens.
oh just kiss her.
why don't people talk anymore??

Hey, i just noticed that this episode is called "My Favorite Mistake" I just wrote a paragraph or two on Sheryl Crow and mention that "The Globe Sessions" is my favorite Album, in with the first track is "My Favorite Mistake"
Hmm... ::Laughs:: i wonder what they could be talking about?


Ok, Callie's THAT guy dad is Hector Elizondo, aka "Joe" from The Princess Diaries. ::Laughs::

Hmm...They're not making this whole "attempted Suicide" thing as big as it should be. Technically they are treating it like i would treat it.

Aw Hector Elizondo is acting like my dad ::laughs::
Oh, i love Latins on American TV shows.

Anyone else think this Alex thing is going to turn into a Deny thing...And Eva is a nice name. (adds that to list of tv inspired names...this is going to soo mess up my kids in the future. "You were named after an FBI agent, and you were named after a dead guy from another TV show, and you were...")

oh shit...poor Xtina.

Hmm, i wonder what my mom has done with our doll house. Last time we worked on it we re-painted the walls and the outside, the furniture is in a box somewhere...someday we'll get it finished.
Just ours doesn't have lights...we're not that good.

Ooo breaking glass means symbolism...big time.

I wish i could afford to shop at Talbots.

You know what...i've been thinking about hair. Sara (Callie..i like saying Sara like she says it "SA-RA!" ::laughs::) has a lot of hair, but it always looks really dirty. And Izzy's is all like over-blond. Mer's its just limp and dead. XTina's looks dry, and George..ugh.
Alex doesn't have any.
I'm beginning to think that the entire budget for hair goes to both Addison and McDreamy. ::laughs:: No really, think about it.

UGH, Mark is totally pissing me off, him and his stupid hair.

OH no Izzy.... Callie is falling in love again with George, and he's thinking about Izzy while she does her little speech...oh dear.

"our secret" oh this is SOO coming back and biting them in the ass.

"my other foot" totally the title of my next album.

I think the "thing" between Alex and Addy might not work out, but then again...Jane Doe might just give it the push it needs... but then there's that whole spin off thing..ugh.

Aw, i want to go to the wedding..

"dead mommy is proud" yeah, some one SLAP me if i ever use those terms for my parents...

Aww...Izzy needs a new Deny. "i guess i can live with it" oh Callie...you have NO idea.

and why isn't ABC giving us Previews?!?!?


I know i'm probably wrong, but its soo fun to do it.



ok, lets see how wrong i'll be when the season ends.

ok now that its over...reflections.
Back to the whole Addy-Izzy talk.
"Why am I the go-to person for adultery?" ::Laughs:: (why do i remember that?) HOW did Addy know what Izzy was talking about?!?!? Is it like when you've done it you know who's doing it (not just talking about the sex here) hmm.
You know what was cool, that story line before Deny with the Quints. And how Addy totally made Izzy work for that baby...or was that Mer..i'm confused.

Hmm... What else..how much can i over write about this episode. And on top of that people, think about it this way. I'm pretty much talking to myself here ::Laughs::

yeah Gaby TOTALLY= Crazy.

So SA-RA@!... i decided to youtube her and see if i could find that one instance where where she said her name like SA-RA! but i can't
That one doesn't even CUT it. Way toned down..

But leave it to Ellen to cover it in her Interview with SA-RA!

Hee, yay for Hispanics with no accents! (like me!)

no really, go watch it..but that dancing...yeah. Totally Latin.

Another note and question...is it spelled "Eva" or "Ava"?

ugh, i and do have something huge to say about the whole Mer and her Watery Suicide...but i dont have the strength to do so right now.
but yeah that is going to be an issue i hope.

and ok, i'm beating this post to death...now it ends.
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