my desk is a-cluttered.

Sep 20, 2006 13:11

ive been having a really great year so far, but lately i've been feeling like i just want to go home. only for like a day or two..because i start to get frustrated if any longer..but just as long as i'm in my house in my room and i'm with my family for a day or two, that'd be perfect ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

kmi0831 September 20 2006, 18:43:13 UTC
tennis class pssh.


_kote_ September 22 2006, 04:14:45 UTC
yay Mona, I was worried that you never got the message. Well, I'll keep trying to get you sometime soon as well, but you are one bussy lady and really hard to get a hold of. Can't wait to hear from you. mwah


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