Monday - Went to the Appian Way. It was basically like a metro-park area that had a bike trail and stuff. It was really nice. It had a little store and some friendly people that went there and then we saw some more ruins and we went to go see a tomb, but it was closed so we just walked for a while. It was still a very nice day. I think we walked four and a half miles just along that road.
Tuesday - We went to the Capitoline Museum which probably has the best art I've seen to date in Italy. I really loved it. It had awesome paintings, great sculptures, and a really good tour guide. I really want to go two or three more times.
Wednesday - it was a free day filled with card games, laundry, and doing pretty much all my I don't know what to do for my free weekend now. haha
Thursday - We went to the very very hot forum. It was 91, but we were also in the sun pretty much the whole time. And the tour did not move that fast. But at least we got some new information from the first two times we were there. More card games and finally a game of euchre was started. I loved it.
Today - Another free day. Well, we had Italian class...which was kind of boring. But I just want to learn some more useful things here now. That we NEED. I mean it's good to learn more words, but we definitely need to start learning phrases so we can function here. I also wrote 13 total letters and postcards. on the lookout! But I also need more stamps.