I have finally become a woman. ^_^
I read the first few lines, and immediately resolved not to take him too seriously. Instead, I posted a fairly congenial comment. It's not the best feminist critique ever made (
::cough!::) but it may pass.
Notes from a bisexual Canadian girl. To be taken seriously, but not meant in anger.
Women have everything to flaunt(sexual power), lesbians have even more to flaunt(they hook up with chicks), and women LOVE gay guys.
Women get paid $0.75 for every dollar that men get paid for the same senority in the same jobs. Gay men regularly have their houses vandalized, are banned from churches, and are fired from their jobs, most often by straight men. As for lesbians--yes, certainly they are accepted as long as their sexuality is limited to starring in porn videos so some guy can jack off (in other words, paying service to straight males), but if they dare to be unattractive, keep their sex lives private, or actually live with other women and have a lifelong partnership instead of it being "just a phase", then they are just as taboo as any other gay couple. It may be politically correct to be gay or a woman or both, but practise often differs from politics.
I'm not sure about other countries, but in this country it's getting more and more difficult to be a straight guy, like there is something wrong with me.
Really? Could you expand on this a little more, please?
I'm sure it seems different from inside the role, but from my point of view, you must understand that straight guys look to have a lot of power. One hundred percent of United States presidents and vice-presidents have been straight (or at least closeted) men. The same figure applies to vice-presidents, and almost every other major position of power in the U.S. if you add the disclaimer "with exceptions". And it's not just there; anywhere you go in the United States, the evidence of sexism is there. Rigid gender roles, domestic abuse brushed under the carpet, women demonized for enjoying sex. It's anything but chimeric; anyone who believes that it doesn't exist has never spent a week with mammaries.
Straight guys just do what their instinct tells them to...not what the latest fashion designer tells them to.
What the hell? I'd be angry if this didn't make me laugh. First of all, is following your instinct really the absolute highest dream anyone can aspire to? Second of all, that is completely false. I have known plenty of men who were slaves to fashion and trends just as much as some women. Maybe not always in clothes, but it often manifests in things like sunglasses, cars, gadgets, etc. (All of which I, by the way, personally enjoy and am interested in.) Everyone has a guilty obsession that they put far more time into than they should; for some it's fashion, for others social status, and for me and plenty like me, it's science fiction and political history.
As for women following fashion: I got up this morning, ran a comb through my hair (which is short--although it looks better long--because it's easier to handle), put on discount jeans and a Joe Cool T-shirt, slipped into one of two pairs of shoes that I own (old tattered skateboard runners that I couldn't even tell you the brand name of), and went to work. The entire ritual took me five minutes at the outside end. And what do I get for my trouble? I get mocked by the straight men who are irritated that I don't follow fashion and slut it up for their viewing pleasure.
More often than not, women who follow fashion are doing it because they have been conditioned from childhood that it's the only way to get a man. Maybe not in so many words; maybe their teachers don't phrase it that way or the characters on TV don't say it outright, but it's there, everywhere that they look. Beer ads with a short unattractive man and a tall, slender, perfect, well-dressed woman. The subliminal message is "She should be happy to have him." Which, again, goes back to your comment about lesbians; if a woman decides that that's not what she wants out of life, she is fortunate to only get harassed sometimes.
The facts are, practically, that straight men run America. (Canada's not much better.) From inside Hollywood, a blue state, or a straight guy's head, I'm sure things look equal or even tipped the other way, as with racism or gay rights; but the way you're speaking makes one wonder if you're living in the real world and not getting most of your news from those "latest fashion designers" you claim to abhor.