Ten years ago 10/4/1995
12 years old, in 7th grade and hating middle school. This is the year I really got to know Matt and became friends. That sure turned out well.
Five years ago 10/4/2000
Junior year of high school... Working 30 hours a week with 40 hours a week of school. Every now and then I went to OM/DI meetings. Good times nonetheless that was the year I wore green tights and boxers with hearts on the outside.
One year ago 10/4/2004
Almost 22 years old... and on my first month of living in Japan. Wicked good... also probably the time in my life where I was engaging in all sorts of unheathly habits... trying to reach my highest weight since my sophomore year of high school.
Yesterday 10/3/2005
Making up for a weekend of fun with a morning of sleep depriving homework. I took a test, a quiz, turned in a paper... fell asleep in class for the first time in about year. Bad Bryan! I did get to hang out with a friend and play Candyland... not too shabby.
Tomorrow 9/14/2005
More school! I wake up, go running, go to class, come home, eat, might meet up with friends again, and maybe eat... then its either tv or homework... probably tv.
5 snacks I enjoy
1. apples!
2. bananas
3. almonds
4. walnuts
5. grapenuts
5 bands that I know most of their lyrics
1. Weezer
2. Johnny Cash
3. Billy Talent
4. Beatles
5. Just about everybody else... but given the option thats what I'll sing.
5 things I'd do with $1,000,000
1. retire
2. get as many PHDs as I can
3. go to culinary school
4. Small self-sustaining tropical island
5. travel the world
5 places I'd run away to
1. Japan - Not a bad place to live
2. Ireland - nice happy people who enjoy thier beverages
3. Alaska - or anywhere I can find with 24 hours + of sun light
4. Countries in Europe boardering the Mediterranean sea - Not bad weather, not scary Europe like Yugoslovia
5. Winnipeg - I've only been to eastern Canada, and there are cool people in the west
Five bad habits I have:
1. over thinking things
2. procrastination
3. lack of humility
4. I don't call my mother enough
5. I don't initiate enough things
Five things I like doing:
1. running
2. hearing laughter
3. relaxing
4. eating!
5. playing games
Five things I wouldn't wear:
This question is stoopid and for girls. :p
Five TV shows I love:
1. Good Eats
2. Nip/Tuck
3. The Ultimate Fighter
4. My Name is Earl
5. Arli$$
Five movies I love:
1. Batman Begins
2. Aladdin
3. The Matrix
4. Shawshank Redemption
5. Murderball
Five famous people I'd like to meet:
1. Lao Tzu
2. Sun Tzu
3. Jesus
4. Siddhartha
5. Buddah
Five biggest joys at the moment
1. eating
2. cooking
3. beer
4. hanging out with friends
5. Magic the gathering prereleases
Five favorite toys:
1. Compy
2. tv
3. my car!
4. In the groove machines!
5. any and all board games
Five people to tag: