Excuse me while I *headdesk*

Mar 01, 2009 20:57

I don't like to get too overly political here, but I really encourage people to read this.

Please contact this group and let them know that having Bill O'Reilly as a key note speaker to a rape survivors group is unacceptable.  In the past he has partially blamed an 18 year old girl for her own rape an murder, by implying she was "asking for it" by ( Read more... )

bill o'reilly is a douchebag, women's rights, hate, rage, politics

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Comments 3

particle_person March 2 2009, 03:10:34 UTC
Seriously, who invites O'RLY to speak about rape? That is just a recipe for FAIL.


particle_person March 2 2009, 03:28:10 UTC
Ah hah, I figured it out: "Also appearing with Mr. O’Reilly will be Wendy Murphy, advisory board member of It Happened to Alexa Foundation, Author of “And Justice For Some” and frequent contributor to Fox News and MSNBC."

She's a conservative, and her book is about how defendants have all the power, conveniently ignoring how often black defendants are unfairly prosecuted.


exiledprincess March 2 2009, 04:51:50 UTC
I... I... I'm just going to pretend it's like the time they invited Ann Coulter to speak at Smith. That's the only way I can stay sane.


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