End of the Year Scoring: 13.5/20

Dec 31, 2012 13:32

Correctly guessed:
  1. NDAA was signed
  2. Third world coups
  3. Occupy survived last winter
  4. Obama cruised to an easy victory
  5. Ron Paul, Newt, and Huntsman had no chance
  6. Republicans paired a fundied up Romney with a batshit insane VP candidate.
  7. More and louder talk about civil war (and succession, which I'm gonna count since it's still "I don't want to be an American anymore")
  8. War on women got bad
  9. War on minorities got bad
  10. War on the poor got pretty bad
  11. Obama and friends used Republican corporate worship against them, even though they are just as bad
  12. August's guess on the economy getting better came true
  13. Spain's economy is fucked
  14. I give myself a half point - the Petrus scandal happened. But no closeted Republicans were outed.
Incorrectly guessed:
  1. Nasty mess at the Olympics didn't happen
  2. Half of all Congress people didn't lose (I didn't account for gerrymandering, which I should have)
  3. No gay scandals
  4. No Israel-Iran crap (thank fucking god)
  5. SOPA, et al. didn't pass
  6. The Republicans didn't really alienate Independents
Too early:
  1. No one will seriously tax the wealthy. The Dems ran on that and won, but I'm pretty sure this is going to be an unfulfilled promise.
  2. unrest here in the US in the next few years

politics: election 2012, politics: civil rights, no!: idiocy, wild singular guessing, politics: your rights they are at stake, politics: the gop is ruining my country, politics: women are not people, politics: cispa, fuck conservatives, politics: score count, politics: roma eterna est, politics: america™, salt the earth in which it grows, fuck democrats, politics: acta/sopa/pipa/etc.

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