Dec 31, 2012 13:32
Correctly guessed:
- NDAA was signed
- Third world coups
- Occupy survived last winter
- Obama cruised to an easy victory
- Ron Paul, Newt, and Huntsman had no chance
- Republicans paired a fundied up Romney with a batshit insane VP candidate.
- More and louder talk about civil war (and succession, which I'm gonna count since it's still "I don't want to be an American anymore")
- War on women got bad
- War on minorities got bad
- War on the poor got pretty bad
- Obama and friends used Republican corporate worship against them, even though they are just as bad
- August's guess on the economy getting better came true
- Spain's economy is fucked
- I give myself a half point - the Petrus scandal happened. But no closeted Republicans were outed.
Incorrectly guessed:
- Nasty mess at the Olympics didn't happen
- Half of all Congress people didn't lose (I didn't account for gerrymandering, which I should have)
- No gay scandals
- No Israel-Iran crap (thank fucking god)
- SOPA, et al. didn't pass
- The Republicans didn't really alienate Independents
Too early:
- No one will seriously tax the wealthy. The Dems ran on that and won, but I'm pretty sure this is going to be an unfulfilled promise.
- unrest here in the US in the next few years
politics: election 2012,
politics: civil rights,
no!: idiocy,
wild singular guessing,
politics: your rights they are at stake,
politics: the gop is ruining my country,
politics: women are not people,
politics: cispa,
fuck conservatives,
politics: score count,
politics: roma eterna est,
politics: america™,
salt the earth in which it grows,
fuck democrats,
politics: acta/sopa/pipa/etc.