Pseudo Date Disaster but it turned out REALLY good.

Dec 19, 2004 02:06

Okay. Man. Heh. The guy that my friend set me up with at this party? It was like pulling teeth. I almost had to put my boot to his face or something. He was alright and once you got him to talking--he was okay but who has the time for that? So, I take my drink and head over to our table where my freinds younger cousin is sitting. I chat with her for a bit and then we both decide to go get some food. While we're walking to the table this other guy sorta steps in front of me and begins to talk to me over his shoulder. He's about six feet, nice shape, and friendly. THIS was not the guy who I'm supposed to be talking about right now. Let's call him ComicGeek. Anyway, we chat while we are in line for food, and he turns to walk away and says to someone else---"I don't have anyone to eat with." Now, I can't remember who said what, but he ended up sitting with me and the cousin of my friend.

We have a GREAT time during dinner. Comic Geek and I chat for about two hours. Everything's going okay, until the guy she was with comes over the table and starts arguing with my friend about me---"I thought she was for LAMEASS" Did LameAss lift his leg and piss on me? Did he somehow mark his territory? Anyway, I ignore his remark and continue talking to ComicGeek.

Night pours on and there is growing tension at the table. Comic Geek suggests that we move to the back of the room by the bar so we can chat--and we did. This is where I discovered that HE is a comic geek. gabby_silang, you would be proud. He asked, "Do you watch Smallville?" GAH. Then he said, "Hey, do you own those Batman: TAS DVDs?"

Dude. DUDE. How awesome was that?

And being the movie buff that I am---he completely had me when he said this, "I enjoy the whole experience of going to the movies. I love watching the trailers."

He ended up walking me to my car and giving me the biggest hug. I thank him for making my night bearable.

ETA: I hate the new guy my friend is dating. HHHAAAAAATTTTEEEEE The little shit.
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