Really? I need people to show me the ropes. All I know how to find are unnecessarily fancy home acoutrements! Which don't get me wrong, I love. But it would be nice to know how to find actually useful things too!
I'll look for you. I have pics in my journal (May entries; I look like something in between the two pictures; my hair's grown back a bit); if you see someone who looks kind of like that, it's me :)
Okay, I will definitely keep an eye out then! I think I might bring some cupcakes to pass along to friends so I don't eat them all, so if you catch me early enough on maybe I'll have one for you!
hahahaha i've been thinking about it lately too. i rode justins for a few hot moments and it was easier than i thought, but i know it will be a lot of work.
i miss you. i havent had the internet in over 2 months and only get on sporadically. i really hope i get to see you soon, seeing as i miss you, and care for you.
Clearly the only solution is for you to come to Toronto and we can build them together! I am a bit afraid of how hard it would be to ride, but I'm definitely having a brake so it's not too scary!
I miss you too! Every time I do things like bike stuff / dumpstering / Whole Foods / baking / drinking tea / gardening it makes me sad that I don't have anyone around who enjoys all of those kinds of things in combination. And then it makes me miss you like crazy because you're one of the few other souls who does!
So if you aren't coming to town any time soon, we should have a phone date. I want to know what's going on. I hope you're doing well, love! xx
I wish Saskatoon had the same dumpster power Toronto does. I have, however, managed to find, in recent months:
- a green office chair - a sweet little brown teddy that I washed and fixed and named the Tramp - a Cosmopolitan magazine from July 1996 - a Daily Bread (Catholic devotional booklet) from spring 1971 (Mom loved it, too)
That ain't bad, considering it was all within a 3-block radius.
As far as spontaneous forging of community goes, I did a project for my research methodologies classes on ethnographic research in small, contained, temporary community situations... ie. the city bus. It was fun. I learned a lot. I made friends with plenty of old ladies. --- Chelle
Toronto has CRAZY dumpster power. So far today I already retrieved:
- a bookcase - a very long black coffee table (which I'm going to use as a bench on my balcony, because it's so big!) - a super cute and small '70s looking coffee table
It's kind of insane!
Also, that project sounds amazing! I've been thinking a lot about group dynamics and social cohesion lately, but I'd never really thought much about public transportation in that context. Hmm! And I firmly believe that you can never have too many old lady friends!
Lisa, you'll have to go when you visit! It's so hilarious. I keep thinking that it's like if outlet malls and Soviet Russia combined forces in a commercial venture. Like yesterday I wanted oven mitts but all they had were promotional Coke ones!`I could probably spend a good three hours wandering around in there looking at the rotating unicorn lamps and holographic kitten clocks and Jesus paraphernalia!
Comments 41
This city really is a dumpster diver's goldmine.
i miss you. i havent had the internet in over 2 months and only get on sporadically. i really hope i get to see you soon, seeing as i miss you, and care for you.
I miss you too! Every time I do things like bike stuff / dumpstering / Whole Foods / baking / drinking tea / gardening it makes me sad that I don't have anyone around who enjoys all of those kinds of things in combination. And then it makes me miss you like crazy because you're one of the few other souls who does!
So if you aren't coming to town any time soon, we should have a phone date. I want to know what's going on. I hope you're doing well, love! xx
- a green office chair
- a sweet little brown teddy that I washed and fixed and named the Tramp
- a Cosmopolitan magazine from July 1996
- a Daily Bread (Catholic devotional booklet) from spring 1971 (Mom loved it, too)
That ain't bad, considering it was all within a 3-block radius.
As far as spontaneous forging of community goes, I did a project for my research methodologies classes on ethnographic research in small, contained, temporary community situations... ie. the city bus. It was fun. I learned a lot. I made friends with plenty of old ladies.
- a bookcase
- a very long black coffee table (which I'm going to use as a bench on my balcony, because it's so big!)
- a super cute and small '70s looking coffee table
It's kind of insane!
Also, that project sounds amazing! I've been thinking a lot about group dynamics and social cohesion lately, but I'd never really thought much about public transportation in that context. Hmm! And I firmly believe that you can never have too many old lady friends!
You can read all about my project here, if you so choose.
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