So wow... Tonight's episode...
Was absolutely outstanding!!! I'm a little sad, angry, confused, and happy... But that's all ok because those are the best episodes.
So I wanna start off with RIP Meg, or not peace, would a demon want that? You were the longest reoccurring character left and I'll miss loving and hating you, and sometimes loving to hate you. I'm sorry you didn't get to live to your night with your unicorn...
Btw I loved the unicorn reference, and from the whole Sam/Amelia story, Meg only concentrated on Sam stopping after hitting the dog... It's awful but it was very demon like...
So now to the beginning of the episode... Extremely disturbing! But when it came to the real Dean, He just couldn't do it. It really was crazy close to the end of Swan Song, I was waiting for Cas to see something to make him have flashbacks. Haha
I wanna know who this Naomi chick is and what exactly her game is. Idr if its been said or not in the show, but I'm thinking that those tablets don't just give ways to close heaven and hell/kill angels and demons, but that it also might give important secrets to the angels and demons, and I think that's why she wants the angel one so bad. I guess we'll find out soon... Hopefully.
I'm glad Sam and Dean seem to be on a better track. They really need to stand together especially with the final two trials they have left.
Anyways, I'm tired now and I can't really think of anything else, although I'm sure there's more... So goodnight and I hope you guys enjoyed the episode too. :-)
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