Hi everyone! Let's start off with something good. Ms. Sarah stayed the night with me last night. She's in town for a couple of weeks and making the rounds visiting old friends and I'm happy to know that I was on her list. We went out for Mexican food (because everyone knows you can't get the good stuff in New York City). It is always fun to chat with her - here and in person.
The other good news is that Jason was able to come home and sleep in his own bed last night, but that will be the last time until Sunday. Things are being managed about as well as they can for the time being with the refugees taking shelter at he stadium.
As soon as he got in the house last night (a little after midnight), he was called from work because the stadium was full and two more buses showed up. They were told to direct any new buses to Dallas but the drivers were like - hell no. They weren't going anywhere else. I don't blame them and neither did Jason, so he had his staff prepare the center to accomodate the additional people.
A bit of background on the area we're talking about here: Reliant Park is a huge complex that is comprised of a very large convention center, a small arena, the Astrodome and Reliant Stadium. Right now they have people staying at the Dome, arena and the center. The city is also putting people at the convention center downtown.
He called me around noon and said it's just unbelievable over there. Things are going fine, but the sheer number of people is amazing.
Some of my co-workers and I are going over there on Sunday and Monday to volunteer. I am also planning to take packaged underwear, socks, house shoes, flip flops and other items like this because they have no clothes. They actually ran out of the donated clothing yesterday afternoon.
In addition, the school-age children who are there will begin school on Tuesday. There is a need for school supplies and backpacks. I also think there is a need for good quality children's clothes. These poor kids don't need to stick out any more than they will, if you know what I mean. A brand new outfit may be helpful in making them feel a tad bit better about their situation.
I am also taking over a couple boxes of stuffed animals. I'm sure the kiddos would like something cuddle up with when they go to bed each night.
For anyone who reads this from the Houston area and who want to volunteer at the stadium, here are a couple of things Jason said to consider:
Do not drive or at least come with a group. There is limited parking space. The best option would be to park somewhere downtown and take Metro to the stadium - there is a stop right there at Reliant.
Also, partner up with someone and do not ever work alone. They have not experienced any problems yet, but you never know. Apparently they have confiscated more weapons than what is being reported on the news and some of these people are gang members. The Astrodome is a huge place and it would be very easy to get cornered someplace where no one can hear you. Again, nothing has happend so far, they just want to make sure everyone is safe.
Armark, the company providing food service, is apparently the best company to reach to volunteer. They don't have many people there tonight to help. I feel bad that I'm not there, but I really need to take care of things here.
I also volunteered to take care of a family's dog. They're stuck in a hotel and had to board their dog but I don't think he gets along with other dogs and they found someone else. Jason said that a lot of people showed up with animals and they are not allowed to bring them into the stadium, so there are opportunities for people to serve as foster families for a while. You might want to check with the SPCA if this appeals to you.
I hope everyone is having a great day in light of this horrible mess. Keep praying that things will take a turn for the better soon.