
Oct 28, 2004 16:04

i am in the math lab by the way, and ebing made fun of because i am sitting in the only metal chair, talking to myself and playing this new game called sling-o which is fun, way more fun than caring about silly thigns like the destruction of a host animal by parasitoid, however, now it is time for us to start the "we go out to eat at random places ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

telmarin October 29 2004, 03:35:53 UTC
Are all math majors weird or is it just you?

I wish we had gotten to finish Anastasia.


aggreenbean October 29 2004, 03:47:57 UTC
i watched the end but thanks for watching that part with me, it made me smile and if i could have feelings on comments i would pick a real one. but i'm glad you got to do that other thing ;) its important. and yes, all math majors are weird, i mean drew is one too. jen might be normal.


telmarin October 29 2004, 04:06:14 UTC
No she isn't. I've told you the weird story about her that we had in the Blackwell RA office but umm...yeah.


Rachel Just Burned You telmarin October 29 2004, 16:17:27 UTC
Rachel just burned you via Away Message with mention of the ESA (Email Stalkers Anonymous) LOL! ROTFL! LMAO!

In one word....BURN!


You didn't tell me telmarin October 29 2004, 20:34:15 UTC
You didn't tell me you were going home this weekend. I thought if you missed the concert it meant you weren't going...

See this is what I'm talking about. You never tell me anything.

Well I ain't telling you a secret then until it is actually going on.

What do you think of that?


Sorry telmarin October 30 2004, 14:42:50 UTC
Sorry I called so late and woke you up. I Hope you got enough sleep and that 6:30 didn't come too early.



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