Title: Better Than Me.
aggressivebitchChapter: Oneshot
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Mentions of sex, Angst.
Disclaimer: If I owned them I wouldn't be writing fics for a living!
Rating: PG-15
Pairing: Aoi/Uruha
A/N: Dedicated to someone special...I was listening to Hinder's song Better Than Me and I thought of it....
I think you can do much better than me...
I sat up in bed slowly looking out at the snow falling lightly on the balcony, a smile finds it way on my lips as I place my feet on the cold floor unable to really feel it because I am cold and numb myself.
I told myself I won't miss you;but I remember what it feels like beside you...
If I was human I would probably be crying my eyes out right now but no I would never be graced with that kind of feeling again. The numbness has gotten worse to the point where I cant feel anything anymore, I used to be able to feel but not anymore its like I am just here to be here an empty shell of what I used to be.
I reach out and touch the cold window the snow seemed to be picking up in speed now I would probably be snowed in my house again trapped here by memories of the past with him the fights, the anger, the hatred, and worst of all the love...I would give it all away if I could just get you back for a minute. I swear I thought we would never be broken up...because I promised myself that I wouldn't let something like this happen to me again one time was enough for me, but no stupid here had to go and fall in love again and now look at me there is nothing left of me anymore its empty and cold here without you.
I really miss your hair in my face...
I look over at the edge of the bed and sigh out a soft breath its cold in here I had stopped paying the bills and listening to my friends tell me that time heals all wounds and that I will get over it some day. They don't understand no one could ever understand how I feel right now.
I'm looking through your old box of notes...found those pictures I took that you were looking for, if there's one memory I don't wanna lose...that time at the mall you and me in the dressing room..
I walk back over and sit down on the edge of the bed; looking over at the night stand where I keep my favorite picture of us being just stupid and goofy. My arm wrapped around your waist, my face buried in your hair with a dorky smile on my lips, you got upset at me for that because my face was barely showing I couldn't help but laugh and say 'Thats how we are baby all natural and perfect just like that.' the frame is one of the digital ones though it has more pictures on it mostly of you but this one was my favorite. I tap through the pictures and stop on the one that always made me smile you with a huge smile on your face when we first started dating...I randomly snapped it when you werent expecting it. leaving it on that picture I lay back down on the bed and bury my face in your side of the bed.
The smell is starting to fade slowly and I am scared because I don't know if what I will do when its gone completely. It probably won't affect me at all or it will take a few days to sink in just like the night you told me that you had found someone else and that you didn't love me anymore. I dont know why I cant just pick myself up and get on with my life like you have gotten on with yours I guess it just hurts me to think that you are going to be happy with someone else and not me anymore, its something I should have noticed before it ever happened because you started to get distant and not talk to me like you used to and then it happened and now we are just friends its so easy for you, but for me its like holding a piece of meat in front of a hungry lion.
Wish I never said its over and I can't pretend I won't think about you when I'm older cause we never really had our closure...this can't be the end...
I stand up and lay the picture frame down on the bed with a sad smile on my lips kissing my finger I ran it over the picture one last time as he I grabbed the last of my things taking them to the movers outside waiting for me I had decided to move into a smaller apartment in another town with the hopes that I could eventually feel better and move on the likely hood of that happening seemed so slim right now.
I think you can do much better than me...
I love you....I hope you are happy Uruha...
With that lost thought I close the door on that part of my life hoping to never reopen it again...