
Jan 01, 2007 16:42

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hond, icons

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Comments 23

ai_lupin January 1 2007, 20:51:31 UTC
I'm loving the icons!! I think I shall take 59. X3 (I totally need to buy more userpic space... D: )


agguss January 1 2007, 21:05:20 UTC
I'm glad you liked them :) #59 was made with one of your caps ^_^ Frollo's face in there is priceless.


sixphanel January 1 2007, 21:22:26 UTC
Ufff!! Hace muchísimo que no veo esta película, y viendo tus iconos me han entrado ganas de volver a verla! :) A ver si la alquilo o algo...

Me encanta el 15, 36, 48 y 66! ♥

Y... Notre Dame es preciosa!


blackat81 January 2 2007, 02:39:27 UTC
I really, really like these! Makes me want to make another set of these for all the good moments I missed in my first set. :P


chibiesmeralda January 2 2007, 03:53:06 UTC
Taking #47 lol I love it!


agguss January 2 2007, 17:05:44 UTC
Heh, his face was so fitted to put the 'omg' :D
Glad you liked.-


sonorose January 2 2007, 14:11:16 UTC
Just taking 12, 47, 58 and 59 at the moment. But they're all awesome!!


agguss January 2 2007, 17:04:15 UTC
Thank you :)
I just love 59 &hearts


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