Wed, 14:00: RT @ culturaltutor: You've seen this painting a thousand times before. It's American Gothic, painted by Grant Wood in 1930, one of the worl…
Tue, 14:32: RT @ FGAnniversaries: 20 years ago today, Power Instinct Matrimelee was originally released at arcades worldwide. It was developed by Noise…
Tue, 15:15: RT @ 386dx4: I still look exactly like this to this day
Fri, 13:50: What is a man but a bounty of good wishes? Happy birthday to best boy @ Seitz_Unseen !!! I miss y'all a lot!
Fri, 13:59: RT @ AnimeFeminist: What we can learn about labor organization from Akiba Maid War - @ LucasDeRuyter In just one episode, the sleeper fave…