I know only a couple people on my flist watch Revenge, but for those of you who do: Tonight's episode was GREAT, right?
-- Conrad has become quite the magnificent bastard. I approve so much. He's the kind of character I really love to hate.
-- Victoria vs. Conrad has become incredible. I loved that scene in the therapy session. I think I am starting to ship them in a want-to-see-them-have-hate-sex way.
-- What is Daniel doing? What is his deal?
-- Charlotte :( I hope she starts to get help. Perhaps through sisterly bonding?
And. My. Shippy. Heart. OMG. Everything about everything between Nolan and Emily this episode was excellent. Nolan tricking her (which I totally called). Nolan being all spy!Nolan. Nolan being all "No, you listen to ME" (even if she didn't). Emily FORGIVING him, and even saying she was PROUD of him. ASDASDIASJDASDISJASKDALSDJASIDADSASDAL. <-- That is my crazy inner fangirl. I'm not even rational about this ship anymore. It is just all the things I love. ♥