I never thought I'd see the day one of my students asked to turn in her coursework before it was due, rather than get an extension over break. I figured students like that were only a myth, told to young professors in hopes of keeping them on the payroll. Unceasing wonders, and all that.
maddiemuffet 2007-12-05 10:50
link) Hey, some of us are like that all the time!
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agoldenchain 2007-12-05 14:42
link) Oh, really now?
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maddiemuffet 2007-12-05 14:56
link) Yes, really. Some of us make the effort for the awesome professors.
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agoldenchain 2007-12-06 08:46
link) I wasn't aware I was in that category.
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maddiemuffet 2007-12-06 13:12
link) Completely awesome! How many professors do you know who are hot intelligent, AND a Tale? Anser totally doesn't count. Ew
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agoldenchain 2007-12-07 03:53
link) Of course Anser doesn't count, love. It'd go against his very nature to fall into the awesome category.
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strictest 2007-12-05 21:51
link) She probably has an ulterior motive.
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agoldenchain 2007-12-06 08:47
link) Should I be checking for booby traps the next time I enter the classroom, then?
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cygnette 2007-12-07 04:11
link) If fairytales exist, who's to say the mythical overachievers don't either?
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agoldenchain 2007-12-07 05:47
link) That's an entirely different level of fantasy, love.
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