(no subject)

Jan 28, 2005 15:17

If you haven't answered yet.....answer......if you don't mind.

popgosthemeasles: yourself?

agridulce dudar: a hazyyy day

popgosthemeasles: hazy?

agridulce dudar: yeah

agridulce dudar: not real

agridulce dudar: ehh

agridulce dudar: i don't know

popgosthemeasles: thats ussually not so good

agridulce dudar: yeah, but its not terribly bad either

agridulce dudar: i guess

agridulce dudar: well, i don't know

agridulce dudar: sometimes its better not to feel things

agridulce dudar: sometimes its not

popgosthemeasles: most of the time its not better

agridulce dudar: true

agridulce dudar: i think

popgosthemeasles is away at 8:25:02 PM.

agridulce dudar: do you think it is better to feel pain, or be numb?

welseykhalen: numb

welseykhalen: definetly

petapyropheliac: constant pain?

agridulce dudar: just answer

petapyropheliac: no, i need further verification

petapyropheliac: but if my assumptions prove true, pain

agridulce dudar: and is that assuming constant pain?

petapyropheliac: constant pain, but still being able to feel other things as well

agridulce dudar: mmmm

petapyropheliac: because if not, it's like choosing between nothing and bad stuff

petapyropheliac: but if it is, it's choosing between nothing or mostly bad with remnants of good

petapyropheliac: and i think the pain would be worth it

petapyropheliac: because of course eventually you'd get used to it

baby gotbroccoli: better to feel pain

agridulce dudar: why?

baby gotbroccoli: because then at least you still feel

TenNIsT119: pain

agridulce dudar: why?

TenNIsT119: because while play'n tennis i love the pain ..

TenNIsT119:  i work harder

TenNIsT119: it's food

TenNIsT119:  MM GOOD

Incredible Evil: This wouldn't have anything to do with pain medication, would it?

agridulce dudar: nope

Incredible Evil: Well what is the context of the situation?

agridulce dudar: just answer

agridulce dudar: there is no context

Incredible Evil: Well it matters! Is it pain or numbness for the rest of eternity?

agridulce dudar: perhapse

Incredible Evil: numbness.

Incredible Evil: Eternal pain sucks!

Incredible Evil: That's like....hell or something.

PammyR78: haha hmmmm

PammyR78: what is this in refrence to

agridulce dudar: no reference, just a generalll thing

PammyR78: pain probably

agridulce dudar: why?

PammyR78: or you'll get burnt a lot and stuff

PammyR78: cause you cant efel anything

PammyR78: you need the nerves

PammyR78: its simple biology elizabeth, gosh

agridulce dudar: hahahaaaa

PammyR78: hehe

agridulce dudar: napoleon...

Throw a Fridge: pain

agridulce dudar: why?

Throw a Fridge: numbness is the most horrible worthless feeling imaginable.

agridulce dudar: why?

agridulce dudar: (excuse the two-year-old for of questioning)

Throw a Fridge: i don't know.

Throw a Fridge: i felt that way for a long time

Throw a Fridge: and

Throw a Fridge: it was horrible and i'd never want it again

Throw a Fridge: no matter what

eatpeachtreatz: feel pain

eatpeachtreatz: face the pain - dont ignore it and allow the mind to wander off into a dilusional state

agridulce dudar: really?

eatpeachtreatz: idk

eatpeachtreatz: mabe u should be numb

agridulce dudar: better to feel pain, or be numb?

Alaina4988: umm be numb

agridulce dudar: why?

Alaina4988: umm i dont know

Alaina4988: it depends on the context

Alaina4988: probably cuz i can deal w/pain, but if i dont have to feel it i dont want to

agridulce dudar: is it better to feel pain, or be numb?

*****: pain

agridulce dudar: why?

******: I tried very  hard for a long time to feel anything but numb

******: I did alot of stupid shit to feel anything

******: but I'd rather be in withdrawel than be a vegatable (wasn't a vegetable when I was high, just when I wasn't and being in withdrawel shook me out of that a little)

Phishbowl 101: well

Phishbowl 101: depends

Phishbowl 101: in what context?

agridulce dudar: non

agridulce dudar: you don't get anymore info

Phishbowl 101: generally, its better to feel pain. that way you can be like "hey, there is a nail in my thigh"

JohnnyQuest158: fell pain

agridulce dudar: why?

JohnnyQuest158: feel*

JohnnyQuest158: because u can grow from it?

agridulce dudar: don't ask, tell

JohnnyQuest158: where if u are numb u dont grow at all

JohnnyQuest158: and u cant move on

JohnnyQuest158: so u just stay

HllLaura9: which kind of pain

agridulce dudar: any

HllLaura9: i would say pain

agridulce dudar: why?

HllLaura9: if you didnt feel anything you could never live

HllLaura9: you can do anything of feel anything

TheArfMan3001: well its better to feel pain cuz then you kno that you are alive

TheArfMan3001: cuz if you numb then you cant really live

MinorityTable: feel pain

MinorityTable: but id go for joy, myself

MinorityTable: or drinking

agridulce dudar: haha

agridulce dudar: ooh mike

agridulce dudar: why pain?

MinorityTable: hmm

MinorityTable: i dunno

MinorityTable: numbs no fun at all

MinorityTable: have you seen igby?

MinorityTable: igby goes down

MinorityTable: the movie

agridulce dudar: don't know it

MinorityTable: haha

MinorityTable: you should see it

MinorityTable: but it provres my point

MinorityTable: i dont know

MinorityTable: you have no fun when youre numb

MinorityTable: obviously

MinorityTable: at least when you feel pain you feel sometihng-so you can feel better

MinorityTable: but you feel something anyways

ambrosian nectar: pain

agridulce dudar: why?

ambrosian nectar: to know the pleasure when it comes

hyprlittlebrat: Umm, feel pain.

hyprlittlebrat: Well

hyprlittlebrat: Um

hyprlittlebrat: Feeling pain deffinetly has it advantages.

hyprlittlebrat: It's just when people deal with it wrong that's it's actually a problem

hyprlittlebrat: I hate questions like that, cuase it's usually incredibly situational.

agridulce dudar: dealing wiht it wrong would be...?

hyprlittlebrat: Well, not dealing with it at all, or letting it be bigger than it is.

hyprlittlebrat: Hang on, are we talking physical or emotional pain?

hyprlittlebrat: Cause they're differnt

hyprlittlebrat: and still, so very situational.

agridulce dudar: both

hyprlittlebrat: Physical pain makes one appreciate when it's not there, also can be useful. Such as if someone were numb and couldn't feel let's say a burning sensation and they were to lean on a stove, usually one would jump up and starting screaming cause it hurts, but if it didn't hurt they wouldn't feel it and they'd just stay there, resulting in loss of the limb that landed on the burner.

hyprlittlebrat: Emotional pain, I guess it can keep you in check, makes happiness even better cause you know the alternative and can be motivation(something to aviod) but when people are stupid and just dwell on it and never get on with their life it's so inhabilitating.

hyprlittlebrat: Though that's not really the pain, it's how people deal with it.

hyprlittlebrat: However, in situations were say a coupletries to have a kid forever and then he's deformed and the child they're worked so hard to bring into this world basically won't live past say tweleve, well then it's incredibly unfair what they have to live through.

hyprlittlebrat: and numbness would be far nicer

agridulce dudar: yeah

agridulce dudar: hmm

agridulce dudar: but for you

agridulce dudar: would you rather be emosionaly numb or feel the pain?

hyprlittlebrat: Feel pain.

hyprlittlebrat: Though usually treat it as if I'm numb

hyprlittlebrat: I don't want the ability to not feel it, I just want the ability to hide completely that I do.

hyprlittlebrat: Not exactly healthy perhaps, but deffinetly the way I'd rather do things

agridulce dudar: hide from who?

hyprlittlebrat: Whom ever I want

hyprlittlebrat: Which would be everyone. Point is it's up to me whether or not it shows.

agridulce dudar: yeah

hyprlittlebrat: I dunno.

hyprlittlebrat: Honestly, I'm glad I didn't have to make that call.

hyprlittlebrat: It's much easier to just deal with knowing that I don't have a choice. Not so I can blame it on someone else but so that I can deal with it and move on, as opposed to regreting the fact that I chose it for myself

MoofyisMYbizatch: numb

agridulce dudar: humm

MoofyisMYbizatch: why?

agridulce dudar: just wondering

MoofyisMYbizatch: i'd rather not feel anything that be in emotional pain

Bergs2286: numb

Bergs2286: .....duh

agridulce dudar: hummm

Bergs2286: why would you want pain?


AIPACISASS: how bad is the pain

AIPACISASS: and what i sthe numb?

agridulce dudar: just answer

agridulce dudar: thats all the info you get



agridulce dudar: why?

AIPACISASS: cuz when you feel pain you know what your facing

AIPACISASS: numb pain sucks

AIPACISASS: unless you know it wil stay like that

AIPACISASS: then its good

AIPACISASS: if itll get better while numb

AIPACISASS: then its good

AIPACISASS: but otherwise id take pain

sexysexyrisotto: to feel pain

agridulce dudar: why?

sexysexyrisotto: at least you know you're still alive

sexysexyrisotto: and you're aware

sexysexyrisotto: i think pain could be channeled into something constructive

sexysexyrisotto: but i'm not sure you could do that without having any emotion at all

sexysexyrisotto: i could justify my existance in pain, but not in numbness.

DDRUltraGod: numb

DDRUltraGod: i was opening a server today, and my finger got stuck in something and it hurt like a mofo

DDRUltraGod: actually it went numb.. and i didn't like it

agridulce dudar: ooook

DDRUltraGod: so pain i guess... but then i would have complained forever

agridulce dudar: ehh

DDRUltraGod: you say such funny things... i think you should record them and make aim play them instead of you typing them

Rook39: pain

agridulce dudar: why?

Rook39: because once you recover from it, you will be so greatful that you survived it

Rook39: you will learn from it and be able to cope

Hoopswish55: numb

agridulce dudar: hmmm

agridulce dudar: why?

Hoopswish55: cause then you can't feel it

rcknthesuburbs57: feel pain

agridulce dudar: why?

rcknthesuburbs57: wait

rcknthesuburbs57: what kind of pain

agridulce dudar: any kind

rcknthesuburbs57: emotional or physical

agridulce dudar: you don't get anymore info than 'any pain'

rcknthesuburbs57: ok

rcknthesuburbs57: id say

rcknthesuburbs57: feel the pain

rcknthesuburbs57: because if you know pain, then the simple good things in life seem better.

rcknthesuburbs57: if that makes sense

agridulce dudar: it makes perfect sense

rcknthesuburbs57: :-)

rcknthesuburbs57: and also

rcknthesuburbs57: if you experience the same pain as someone else you have more compassion and understanding for them

magsmmagoo: i think its worse to be numb, but more strain to feel numb

magsmmagoo: if you're numb you're not at all

magsmmagoo: but pain is.. painful?

agridulce dudar: yes

magsmmagoo: at least when you feel pain you know you are alive

agridulce dudar: ooh i was just typing that

magsmmagoo: i always get afraid that im not alive if i get numb
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