You know, I never knew how emotional songs can be.
I mean, with just two instruments. It's astonishing.
Oh. Yeah.
Yoko Kanno is a god. 'Nuff said.
You know, it's weird.
Thinking about the past.
I can't help it with this music.
But. All I know...
All I know is that it...
It hurts.
I really don't know how else to put it.
But now...
Now, life just doesn't seem real.
Nothing seems real.
Everything, quite frankly, feels like a lie.
And I can't escape from this reality closing in on me.
The life I've lived...
a lie
The friends I had...
a lie
The places I've stayed
all a lie
You know, it sucks to see distant people.
People who you knew as you were growing up
...and they grew up with you...
Grow up to be something completely different.
It was like everything was ripped apart
Like a little girl torn away from her little dolls...
She doesn't want to leave them
but she has to grow up.
She's forced to leave them behind
and she can't take them with her.
And when she grows up
her playmates look
so incredibly
than what she remember them to be.
She misses what she thought they used to be.
I miss those memories of what I thought everything used to be.
Everything just doesn't feel right.Nothing feels right.
It feels like some dream that I'm faced with every day,
of whether or not accepting these memories
as either a dream
or a reality.
What am I supposed to choose?
Why am I making this harder than it needs to be?
I don't get it. I don't get it at all.