You're the second person who wrote a freakishly long entry after reading mine. I think it's so important to look inward, and no, you don't owe any of us an explanation. Usually if people aren't well guarded we can figure it out on our own anyway, if we care to. I think everyone just needs to breathe, everyone's getting all reflective on me...geeze, it's all some heavy stuff. I love you and I think you're gorgeous and we both have great racks. Smile.
the thing is, i am extremely well guarded. i dont let people in very easily. so it takes stuff like this for people to get what im about, with an exception of my good/best friends. lol im breathin, i just felt like writing something, it made me feel happy haha. anyawy i luv you too and thanks lol but its goin to take some time for me to think im gorgeous. i better get wit u over break.. mauhs
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