*warning: language not suitable for people whom these types of warnings apply to on a regular basis.
finally, an update full of kiddies!
Finn: What's wrong, Holly?
Holland: daddy no like me..
Finn: Now that's not true.. daddy just doesn't like the whiny stuff you do 'cause it's annoying.
Finn: but daddy still love you
Finn: just don't do that annoying stuff anymore
he tries..
Halie: Hey, nice to see you actually interacting with our child for once, and since you're having such a great time..
Halie: Do you think you could stay home and watch her tonight? Frank from work invited me to his party and I should probably go..
Finn: Uh.. I guess I can..
Holland: woman why you leave me with him
then Halie got sick and left for the party!
Finn: So your mom wants me to teach you to talk more and stuff... so I guess we'll start small. Can you say sculpting?
Holland: wat
Finn: This is going to be a long night..
Meanwhile, Halie was reconnecting with accomplices
and eating soup
Finn became the victim of the over abusive door
poor Holland...
Finn: Just sit there and do your business, dammit!
Holland: No! Bed!
Finn: h8 lyf
Finn: You're a pain in the ass, you know that, right?
Halie woke up the next morning to find out she was pregnant again!
Halie: Well ain't that some shit.
Finn: So uh, what's with the wardrobe change again? Something you need to tell me...?
Halie: Actually yeah.. I uh.. well I'm pregnant again..
Finn: ..seriously?
Halie: Maybe we should look into using condoms...
Halie: At least we're actually married this time..
Finn: Yeah but what exactly are we going to do? We don't have enough room for another baby. We barely had room for Holland..
Halie: I know, and I've been house hunting! I think I found a nice place with enough room that we can afford!
Halie: C'mon Holly, let's get out of here and go to our new home.
Holland: home!
new home yeah! I won't even bother with a house tour 'cause there's practically nothing in there
seriously. nothing.
I just love that scooter.
Finn does too.
she's so precious asdfjkl;
something about Halie with a knife kinda scares me.
this, too.
Finn: why the fuck are you sitting like that
Halie: I don't know...
I feel your pain,
Halie: man, being pregnant blows
Holland does nothing but whine.
Halie: I can't believe I have to have another one of these...
Time passed, and Halie got huge!
Halie: Look at my boobs!
Halie: ugh what the hell..
Finn: Okay why is the bed wet...
Halie: I don't kno-
Halie: oh god the baby!
Finn: Baby? How could Holland piss in our bed if she's asleep in hers?
Halie: No I mean new baby!
Finn: Oh right! Uh. Uh.. do.. you need anything?
Halie: For you to shut the hell up!
Finn: Right well.. I'll just go back to bed then....
Halie: get the fuck over here!
Finn: what
Finn: Oh. Right.
he's so cute omg his name is Murphy. He's athletic and a light sleeper.
his cheeks are so chubby oh gosh he looks exactly like Halie, only with Finn's ears and eyes.
oh, did I ever mention Halie actually has elf ears, too? No? Haha well that's 'cause I forgot! But yeah, she does! Holland got hers. That's why they're so tiny compared to Finn's, haha. okay enough of that.
Finn: Halie, I love you. You know that, right?
Halie: Well yeah! And I love you too!
Finn: Cool. Now let's not have anymore kids, okay?
Halie: Deal.
Halie: let's do it in the shower
Finn: But.. I'm a hydrophob.. you know that..
Halie: yeah but it'd make it even hotter
Poor Finn.
Murphy: boogers!
he's just too cute asdhiasd
Holland spends most of her time playing with this mummy bear Halie got in Egypt.
Holland: you ugly bear..
Holland: but lubs anyway
Finn: This one's not so bad..
Finn: okay here.. have some goop shi-.. uh.. poo.
Murphy: poo?
Murphy: you can go now
Finn: ..okay.
Halie: Who's mommy's little ginger?
Halie: Murph is!
Halie: Mommy loves her little ginger
I'm sorry I just can't stop spamming him
Holland still gets loads of attention. Even from Finn!
And soon enough it was her birthday.
She got the excitable trait.
And isn't really showing it here... She looks so much like Finn, haha.
They finally got enough money to afford a TV! Yay!
Holly wanted to dress up.. so.. dress up time!
bitches better recognize.
Holland: I dub thee my castle with my princess scepter that my mum most certainly did not steal!
Holland: Wall! Hold strong and keep the dragon out of my castle!
Finn: Okay, what the hell are you wearing?
Holland: It's a dress.. I'm a princess...
Finn: ..right. Of course you are.
Holland: Fine.. I'll just have juice..
It's nice having Holly able to feed Murphy 'cause all Finn does is sculpt and Halie just sleeps..
Halie got a bunch of those quick shower things in Egypt and they really come in handy when it takes these guys take forever to do anything because the lag in Los Aniegos is so bad haha
I'll probably move them away to a not laggy world once gen 2 is all grown up and stuff
if I can handle the lag until then...
Finn was feeling stir crazy so he and Halie went to this pub not too far from them. But it closed shortly after ahahahizasuhdfsad
and then Halie stole a car.
Holland: I'll get daddy back for not liking my princess costume...
Holland: He won't see it comin' *giggle*
Finn: The shower turned me yellow...
Finn: Fucking water..
even though the lag drives me crazy, Los Aniegos sure is a beaut
cutie cute cute kid
Halie's sleeping schedule is all jacked up so she usually stays up all night and works out.
fucking pets!
sibling spam time
ufghisdfafghsdfs i lubs you two
Holland: Peek-a-boo!
Murphy: peek boo!
What an odd want for Finn to have... but okay!
Holland: omgomg daddy wants to talk to me
Holland: Maybe he'll teach me how to paint!
Finn: Uh.. well.. your mom made a point saying I don't spend enough time with you.. and being your dad, I should probably do that..
Finn: So.. do you wanna throw a ball or something? Isn't that something you kids like to do?
Holland: .. well.. not me particularly 'cause I kinda hate going outside..
Holland: but sure! Let's go play catch!
Finn is an artist, not a sportsman.
Holland: omg I actually caught it..
Finn, maybe you wouldn't lose your balance if you didn't throw like your daughter...
Holland: Raaaa, Holly-saurus rex has awoken!
Halie: That's nice, honey.
Halie: Where does she keep getting these costumes from...
Holland: Raaa I'll eat all the mammoths even though they don't actually exist in my time period!
Holland: And all the cavemen, too! Even though they don't exist either!
After like.. two weeks off work, Halie finally went back, which is good 'cause Finn's sculpting can only get them so much money...
And Murphy's birthday!
he's beautiful
Seriously, he's the boy version of Halie. He even got the inappropriate trait hahaha
Redid the nursery into a kid room thing. 'Cause I think I'm just going to have two kids for this gen. Yeah.
and I leave you with the image of Finn with a chainsaw.
Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed. Toodles!