sorry this took so long
Skyrim is taking over since my social life went and died
Last time, Athena and was born and Holland was pregnant again yay
Finn's been working on his inventing skill and headed down to the junk yard to get some scrap.
He was not impressed.
pick up garbage
put hand on face
Also if you recall, SP split up Murph and Abby so now Murph is out gettin' some tail
Abby, still being Holland's friend, had a party and invited Holland.
Holland: So what exactly happened with you and Murph?
Abby: It just wasn't working. We both wanted different things and we just decided it'd be best to go our separate ways. How are you and Amos doing?
Holland: We're pretty good. Just had a kid and there's another on the way.
Meanwhile, Amos was interviewing random party guests.
Halie is a boss gma
or she likes to think she is.
Halie: raa
Athena: mommy halp
Murph is like the ginger equivalent to Ryan from the Schumacher's jesus chriST
Amos and Holly went out for dinner and yay labour.
another girl seriously
it's okay though 'cause she's cute. Her name's Sally. She's eccentric and a couch potato.
Ms maid is determined to get her job done.
and by this point I had successfully installed Pets and updated everything and yay I did something right. This stray decided the family didn't need that newspaper after all.
look at her oh sheesh you gon be pretty. She looks so much like Amos hah.
She got the trait dog lover. HMMM.
this popped up a few hours after Athena aged up. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
Athena: So mom.. you thought anymore about adopting one of your friend's puppies??
Holland: ...
Athena: That's a no, isn't it?
Birthday ice cream!
Pets, you caused so many problems but you're making up for it nicely
these two
all the time
not the pink flowers
anything but that
Sally thinks the toy box is a lovely place to nap
poor Murph can't hold onto a girl.
Amos went over to Abby's after work so he could take look at these puppies hoho
Amos: I'll be the best dad in the world after this!
Abby's preggers op she got a new bf. but then he left her as soon as she had the baby. ass.
Anyway, there's the momma dog. hmm hmm
Amos adopted this little guy without hesitation.
Athena: shmowzow! Is it really?
It's a boy, too! His name's Cosmo. He's a genius and a hunter. op.
Holland, however, wasn't feeling so good about it. Or anything for that matter.
Holland: You adopted a puppy? Amos what the hell! Why?!
Amos: Because it's Athena's birthday and you saw how much she wanted one!
Holland: If she wanted a 6-pack and a thing of cigarettes would you get her that too?!
Holland: You can't just buy her whatever she wants; it's bad parenting.
Amos: Don't you dare say I'm a bad parent.
Holland: Well you could've at least said something to me before you went out and got the thing!
Amos: He was meant as a surprise! For all of us!
Amos: I thought you'd be more welcoming to this especially since Athena absolutely adores him.
Holland: It's not that I don't want the pup.. I just don't know if we can really handle it right now.
Amos: Babe, we have plenty of room for him. Sally's growing up quick so we can move the cribs out a-
Holland: Amos, I've been sick the past few mornings and I'm 90% sure I'm pregnant.
Amos: ..pregnant? Again?
Holland: Yeah, and I don't think a puppy is a good idea with another baby on the way.
Amos: Well maybe we should look into moving into a bigger house.. I mean with my income plus your mom's and your dad's paintings, we should be able to find a nice, affordable place. We'll make it work babe.
Holland: Okay.. I'm sorry for yelling at you.. hormones starting up early, I guess.
Amos: Don't worry about it.
Athena: I heard you and daddy talking about Cosmo.. we aren't getting rid of him, are we?
Holland: No, we're not getting rid of him. Your father and I are just trying to figure out... things.
Athena: okay good 'cause I really love him.
Holland: I know you do, baby.
Holland: Hey little guy..
Holland: Maybe having you around won't be too bad..
even if all he does is eat off the floor.............
Sally still exists I promise
she's just so uneventful as a tot and ugh
Later, Finn got old.
He's not too excited about it, either.
but he did get a cane so he can hobble like the grumpy 'ol git he is.
and sure enough, Holly was indeed pregnant. youbetterbeaboy
jesus bale take the wheel
Athena embraced her interest in dinosaurs one morning.
Athena: raaaawr
Halie: okay what the hell
Finn: fucking pets
Cosmo: I can haz treat?
Holland: When are one of those damned unicorns going to show up?
I can't stop I'm sorry
I feel bad for neglecting to show Sally that much but holy moly she just needs to age up now.
Halie's birthday came along after work at 3 in the morning.
bb's gettin' old
Cosmo expresses his dislike for potted plants.
okay this maid is starting to get on my nerves.
Finn: Take a picture; it'll last longer
Maid: Ewwww
all of that just to brush your teeth?
Finn: Whore.
Cosmo won't let anyone by Athena pet him. Amos doesn't understand.
bffs <3
Athena: Mommy are you okay?
Holland: Nooo
well. Her name's Natalie. She's a virtuoso and something else.
She's pretty cute.
Poor Finn is stuck on toddler-duty. He always is.
Finn: Okay squirt, do your stuff.
Natalie: wat
speaking of Finn, he only has one more trait to master!
Sally aged up and hopefully she won't be so boring anymore. She got the friendly trait.
Finn: psst kid. we're moving.
Athena: Huh?
Finn: you didn't hear it from me
Athena: ...okay.
but yeah, they moved! Amos got so many raises and promotions so this house is thanks to him
main area of reading and lounging.
desk for writing and back there is the kitchen.
bedroom 1 for kids.
bedroom 2 for heir+spouse.
boring nursery of boringness.
bedroom 3 for old peeps.
upstairs is the tv
and on the other side is creative-related things.
I'll make their backyard pretty eventually.
Sally broke the toilet the first time she used it...
Holland also managed to break the tv.
Amos: So now that the tv's busted and there's no one up here, wanna make out?
Holland: she-yeah!
I think Cosmo likes Nat.
he's so freakin' cute aha
super pup!
He likes to follow Finn around a lot.
Then a wild horse appeared!
and.. another.
okay what the hell.
they don't like Holland.....
but Amos sure likes them!
woo puberty! She got perfectionist.
Cosmo had a birthday too!
I have to admit.. I kinda like pets. hehe.
Okay done. Sorry this took so long to get out. I'll try and get some Schumacher out soon too! Okay.