last time:
Julian proposed to Ashley and cried. They got married and he cried.
They had a two kids and he didn't cry. They got another cat.
And Bambi the deer ate Ashley's garden.
Here's their newest addition, Mabel.
She's not very skilled with the peg box.
stupid deer.
Ashley: I hate everything.
Julian: Now when you're truckin' around, make sure you don't run into anything..
Julian: If you bonk your head on something, your mom is bound to find a way to pin it on me.
Astrid ♥
Ashley's becoming more and more of a cat person.
Mordecai: Stupid homework...
Mordecai: Can't I just go watch tv?
Mordecai is such a sweet heart c:
gettin' freaky
with style
Astrid hunts a lot.
A lot.
this could either be those spoiled waffles you had for breakfast or...
Since Ashley is still on maternity leave, she spends a lot of the time with Mabel.
Ashley: Okay now say.. rolling pin!
She didn't say rolling pin.
Julian: What am I watching...
Mordecai rarely ever takes the bus home. I'm not entirely sure why.
Oh. Maybe that's why.
Mordecai: wooo done with homework!
poor Mabel isn't very good with the xylophone either :(
Mordecai isn't a fan.
You guys remember Victoria. Well. Her house is still haunted.
Victoria: Why does this keep happening?!
When Julian got home,
Ashley: So guess what...
Julian: oh, oh, you adopted another cat?!
Ashley: no, I'm pregnant.
Julian: Oh well that's great, too!
This baby has been Julian-approved.
except he just really wanted another cat...
those are Astrid's newspapers, man.
Mordecai got a chemistry set...
and quickly regretted it.
Mordecai: Ow.
Mordecai: Mom, don't even ask.
Mabel's birthday arrived.
Mabel: I want a big doll house with pretty flowers and dolls...
Ashley: Mhm.
Mabel: and I want cookies! Bunches of cookies!
Ashley: I'll see what I can do.
She got the eco-friendly trait. :)
Since Astrid hunts all day, she finds random things like leaves and feathers and just leaves them lying around the house...
She's slowly becoming more of a lap-cat.
So Mordecai met this kid named Stacy and brought them home and I was like hmhmhm girl but Stacy is actually a boy with a pony tail
Stacy: I hate science...
Mordecai: I've blown myself up twice.
Mabel: I just wish we could all work together to save this beautiful planet, don't you?
Stacy: def should've gone home.....
Stacy: Uhhhh... I like butterflies?
So Ashley wont into labour and yes that is a pigeon on the floor.
Mabel took him upstairs and kept him for the night.
Mabel: I'd keep you but I don't think you'd last very long with these cats.
Anyway, about this kid
hmhmhmhmhmhmhm I have no idea where he got the black hair from haha EA but I can dig.
This is Daniel. He's clumsy and neurotic.
noo those are cat toys
Mordecai only washes dishes in the bathroom. No clue why.
I feel like dragons aren't good with xylophones either...
but you're sooo cute
Mordecai meets interesting kids at school
dorky mcdork
Julian: Can you say fire? Fire bad.
Mordecai: Dad, can you just move a little bit?
This foal followed him around a bunch.
Contemplating deleting the chemistry set.
Julian: Uhhm.. Mordecai?
Mordecai: Hey dad!
Julian: Are you.. okay?
Mordecai: Yeah, I'll be fine!
Julian: Right. Have fun, then.
and then he cleaned the bathroom?
Mordecai: This house is so dirty, full of a bunch of slobs..
Mabel: ..I'm not a slob...
Ashley: Put it in here, Danny!
Ash, you're pointing to a triangle.......
Ashley: Whoops, how about this one?
That's a square?
Daniel: woman!
Julian and Ashley went out for dinner so a babysitter came over and she just stood in Mordecai and Mabel's room...
oh. you're back.
Mordecai's birthday came along! Hmhm I'm excited to see how you turn out, bb.
okay that's better. The game just stretched his face a bit when he pooped sparkles
Julian: yaay sweaters!
oh sweet mercy me hello there Mordecai. He got the evil trait and oh m-.. wait.
Astrid: shush, I'm cute.
so very cute asgdfhdjg
So Julian got stuck and he wouldn't move or do anything. He just.. stood in front of the bathroom door...
Mordecai: Dad, I gotta pee.
Julian: Use the other bathroom; I'm too fab to move right now.
I had to reset him haha Julian you silly
Maybe as a teen you'll have more luck with this...
Mordecai: Yeah, I didn't blow up this time!
random they're-still-in love shot
Whilst wandering about, Mordecai found some wild horses.
This one continued to back away from him until he left...
Hunting on the neighbor's back porch?
It's a bit weird, him being friendly and evil. He socializes with townies all the time.
Mordecai: So, you're a nurse, yeah? What do you know about nuclear energy and how one can use it to, hypothetically, destroy the world?
Nurse: this what you kids do for fun now?
Mordecai: Something like that.
That's better.
An unbreakable house is all I ask for.
Astrid: Just havin' a litter of kittens, nbd
This is Amelia <3
and the smaller one is Melody.
I think Amelia's my favourite but shhhh
k I'm done
Julian, stop getting stuck everywhere >:(
Julian: No
Okay I lied; I'm not done
Here's a better look at Melody nehehe
So I noticed about half way into the day that Mordecai and Mabel ended up skipping school and I had no idea. Mordecai went to this place and set booby traps everywhere and Mabel just sat on the side of the road and played with her IF...
Mabel was the one that got in trouble for it..
Ashley: Mabel, I just got a call from your school saying you weren't in class today. Care to explain?
Mabel: but mom, skipping was Mordecai's idea. Why doesn't he get in trouble?
No slack was cut and she had to clean the bathrooms :(
oh well that didn't take very long. Usually I fail horribly and achieving LTW but okay
...uh huh sure
Yeah midlife crisis time!
she's beautiful
Gave her a bit of a makeover. Her garden's still alive no thanks to Bambi.
Make up your mind, woman! Not that either are happening...
Dan's birthday was soon to follow.
hmhm I have no idea what trait he got so I'll tell you next time but yeah.
Sorry it took so long to get this out. I've been a bit lazy and this past month has been kind of.. bad. And it's not really going to get any better any time soon so haha but I'll try and get some more out mid next week or something. We'll see what happens. Thanks for reading!