That's right, I'm at it again! The first chapter of my new fic The Future Is A Masterpiece is now up for reads and review at
leyton_is_love. Below the cut are bits and pieces of what you can expect from the first chapter! Enjoy ♥
“Um, yeah, that dress isn’t really designed for lounging.” Brooke said.
“Brooke, my ankles practically have their own weather system. I’m sitting until I have to stand.” Peyton sighed, and closed her eyes.
She didn’t want to tell anyone, but she’d been having slight contractions since earlier that morning. She was three weeks away from her due date, but her doctor had warned it was normal to feel contractions. She was just supposed to time them to make sure they weren’t coming at a regular interval. If they started to get stronger, or come closer together, that was a sign she was going into active labor. She wasn’t ready for that yet.
“She looks amazing, man. She’s beautiful. She asked me to tell you it’s me inside your head.” Nathan said, and watched as his big brother smiled. “What does that mean?”
Lucas sat back in the chair he was sitting in, and remembered the first time he ever talked to Peyton. “Those were the first words I ever said to her. Do you remember that day her car broke down by lake, and you wouldn’t go get her because you were too busy lifting weights or holding hands with Tim, or something?”
“Hey ” Nathan laughed. “We were not holding hands. We were brushing each other’s hair.”
“Sorry.” Brooke apologized, and then looked up at Peyton with tears of excitement in her eyes. “I just want to tell you that I am really happy for you, P. Sawyer. That’s the last time I get to call you that.” Brooke squeaked out that last line, and Peyton laughed.
“I love you, Brooke Davis.” Peyton nodded and hugged her best friend.
“I love you too, Mrs. Scott.” Brooke answered. “Sorry, I wanted to be the first one to say it. How does it sound?”
“Like heaven.” Peyton shrugged, and let Brooke wipe a tear from under her eye.