Jan 31, 2006 22:19
I just watched the end of the State of the Union.
Bad idea.
I am so fucking infuriated right now.
Stupid son of a bitch. Oh yeah, let's reinstate the patriot act and stop all of those 'activists' who are trying to redefine marriage. And sure, teenage pregnancy has been falling for the past dozen years. But wait George, let's not forget that WE STILL HAVE THE HIGHEST RATE OUT OF ANY INDUSTRIALIZED NATION!!! And sure, 'No Child Left Behind' is SOOOO awesome let's put a new program called the American Competitiveness Initiative where math and science are put first. What about the arts George, huh?? And you just KNOW that the ignorant bastard wants to invade Iran. He hinted at it. And of course our economy is on the rise because it has nowhere to go but up! And yes, let's stop all stem cell research because it has NO possibilities of curing numerous diseases because human life comes from our 'Creator'. And screw a national health care plan because who needs that? But I'll try to make sure that American families can afford both their medication and their rent.
Why is this man such a fucking DOLT? How did he get reelected?
Oh yeah, I know how! Remember how most Americans are fucking DOLTS!
*deep breath*
I can't wait to watch 'The Daily Show' tomorrow and see how Jon Stewart rips Bushie a new one.
However, one of the redeemable things he did say was how he wanted to shy away from using oil, which I agree with. And the thing about the Ear Marks, which I also respect. But that's it.
And I'm done. Oh my God, I never thought I would get this mad.