(no subject)

May 21, 2010 20:43

24 icons,
* 7 DeLeon;
* 3 Marshall;
* 1 Johnson; &
* 13 assorted including Thunder, Crawford, Colligan, Wentz, Pope, Dales, Wronski, Bowen, Kusterbeck, & Williams plus the above.

comment&credit makes me happy. most full sizes available upon request.

uno dos trescuatro  
cinco seis siete ocho  

 nueve diez once doce  
trece catorce quince dieciseis  

 diecisiete  dieciocho diecinueve veinte

  veintiuno veintidos veintitres veinticuatro 

wentz has the noods, wronski scares me, the cab, cash, mama vulture, tools of the trade, i blame brian dales, cass attack, singer, marshall, paramore, ian

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