Ahoy! is an invitation-only RPG. If you have not been invited, your character will not be approved.
Fill out the application form to pick up a character. Any and all character types are accepted, from mages to barbarians to psionicists to monsters. Those interested in a priest or summoner type should check out the
gods and summons post in particular. Characters must be written to the Mer universe. Different worlds are not allowed; if your character does not fit the standard of an existing island,
create a new one.
Character types that are specific to Fontaine are Gearmasters, the Red and Blue Guards, the Fontaine royal family, and the Queen's Assassins. These are explained
Please check the
Q&A before asking any questions.
Application Form:
Player Name:
Player Contact: [e-mail if you don't have an AIM SN]
RP Experience? [list comms and forums you've played at]
Character Name & Fandom:
Character Background:
Sample Post: [can be first or third person perspective]