Title: Permission Series: Bleach Pairing: Chad/Karin Theme: Voluntary Rating: PG Word Count: 279 Author's Note: Another gift fic for edincoat since the idea came to me and won't leave me alone. XD
Pffffft, no she doesn't need to know. She doesn't need to know cos it'll come out years later when they're already married and happy and she needs something to go after him with a wooden spoon for cos on the one day she cooks that year Ichigo opens his goddamned big mouth and says something.
Again with the cute, what are you trying to do to me here woman, make my teeth fall out? I'm seriously thinking I'm going to have to glue them back in! /doesn't care, cos glue is delicious
Comments 2
Again with the cute, what are you trying to do to me here woman, make my teeth fall out? I'm seriously thinking I'm going to have to glue them back in! /doesn't care, cos glue is delicious
Thaaaaank Yoooooou ♥♥*hearts;
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