Title: Untitled
Series: Doctor Who
Pairing: 9/Rose Tyler
Theme: Banished
Rating: PG
Word Count: 239
Author's Note: The theme was perfect, so I decided to do an experiment in characterization. Also, I make a vague reference to the 3rd Doctor while he was banished to Earth by the other Time Lords. Yay for Netflix and wiki. :D
He thought back to when he was stuck on Earth. The man he had been then made him smile. Rose wouldn’t have liked him at all. The Doctor watched her as she paged through a book she’d brought from home and grinned at her imagined reaction. If she had been there at the time he probably wouldn’t have cared as much about finding a way home. As his thoughts drifted to wasted time and his ever growing list of regrets, she glanced over the top of her book and caught him watching.
“What’s that about, then?” she demanded playfully. Laughing at her, he pushed all the dark thoughts away.
“Never you mind, Rose Tyler.” He replied, hopping to his feet and walking towards the center of the Tardis. “Where do you want to go? Past or future?”
“Now just a minute!” she protested, tossing the book aside and following him.
“If you don’t choose, I will and if I remember correctly after Trihan 6 you said I couldn’t be trusted to pick anymore.” He said with a self-satisfied grin. She scowled at him.
“Fine!” she answered. “But you will tell me, eventually.”
“You think so?” he questioned, raising an eyebrow at her confidence.
“I know so.” She answered, catching her tongue between her teeth in a teasing grin. He watched her somberly as she poured over the data and knew that she was right. Someday, he’d tell her everything.