Title: Falling From Your Side
Series: Doctor Who
Pairing: 10/Rose Tyler
Theme: Always seperated, never parted.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 348
Author's Note: Gift fic for
devilishdestiny !
Martha had asked him once how long he was going to pine for Rose Tyler. The question had annoyed him because he had never pined for anyone in his entire life. He did think of her often, though. How could he not? Everything reminded him of her. He had even thought of resetting the Tardis’s desktop theme again, just to wipe away each small marker of her presence but in the end The Doctor couldn’t bring himself to do it. He couldn’t erase her favorite place to sit or the spot where the new him had tried to convince her he was still her Doctor or any of the other thousand places that mattered. Sometimes when he was alone he’d sit in her chair or stand in a certain spot just to feel her again. (He thought it kept him connected to her even though he knew it made no rational sense.)
When Jack had confessed that he had gone to watch Rose grow up, The Doctor couldn’t bring himself to admit that he wasn’t brave enough to do the same. Despite knowing every single reality threatening possibility he wasn’t sure of his self control. After losing his world he never thought a human being would tempt him in the same way. (The fact he was that tempted scared him more than he could admit even to himself.)
Returning her to the parallel universe was one of the hardest things he’d ever done. In fact, it was on his top ten list. He watched his double kiss her and hated him. It was an odd thing to hate someone else who was essentially yourself. After a great deal of time passed he finally realized that they’d always be together even with a universe between them. That all those places in the Tardis as well as his own vivid memory kept her with him. He also knew, despite his other self being at her side, that Rose thought of him. All of that together was just enough to give him so modicum of peace. (It had to be enough.)