ooc: Toukousphere topics. LET'S LEARN ABOUT LYNER! Part 4

Nov 02, 2010 17:14

(蛇の目) 2 had Jakuri, 3 had Soma.
But who in 1 had a body they weren't embarrassed to have other people see?
Someone besides Mir, please.
(Snake Eye)

見られて恥ずかしい体をしていたら、あの服は着られないと思うしね。 Hm, probably President Ayano, right?
If she were embarrassed for other people to see her, I don't think she'd wear that outfit.

ただし、好奇の目で見られることに怒りを感じて少々痛い目を見せることはあるがな。 I've never been embarrassed by other people seeing me.
I've run into problems where my appearance made other people angry, though.

その服装は年頃の子にとっては目の毒だもの。 Well, aren't you kind of torture in human form for adolescent boys?
That outfit is pretty hard on young eyes.

But Aurica and Misha are pretty amazing too, right?
They were walking around in just a bath towel and a button down shirt.

あ、あれは体に自信があるからじゃなくて、ライナーが着ろって言うから着てただけだよ!! Th-that's not because we have confidence in our bodies, it's because you told us to!!

体に自信がないってわけじゃないけど、ライナーの頼みじゃなかったら人前でワイシャツ一枚になんて絶対にならないわ。 That's right!!
And you even made me change between my big and small bodies just to suit you.
It's not like I don't have any self-confidence, but there's no way I'd wear something like that normally.

でもまあ、二人とも見せても恥ずかしくない綺麗な体してるのは確かだと思うんだけどな。 R-really?
You both definitely have beautiful bodies you shouldn't be embarrassed of, though.

なんかライナー、サラッと凄いこと言ったような気がするけど。 ... ... M-misha-chan, did I hear that right?
I kind of get the feeling Lyner just said something amazing like it was nothing.

……でも、なんだか久しぶりにライナーに嬉しいこと言われた気がするわ。 ... ... w-well, no need to think of a comeback this time!!
I don't want him to come up with any lame excuses or corrections.
... ... I feel like Lyner's said something to make me happy for the first time in a while, though.


... you go get 'em, tiger.


(マイティー) Let's find a way to pass the next fortnight.
I use a bike (monkey) on my commute, which is nice and refreshingly cool ...
I think Lyner, Jack, or Croix would look great on a bike~♪
Wanna go tooling around some time?

まあ、飛空挺なんてものがあればみんなそっちを選ぶのは当然だとは思うけど、地面の上を猛スピードでかっ飛ばすバイクとか欲しかったぜ。 A bike, huh? We don't have any rides like that in our world.
Well, I think everyone would obviously prefer airships if you had them, but I wouldn't mind having a bike that could scream across the ground at high speed.

でも、あったら多分買ってるだろうなぁ。 Mmm, I'm sure it would feel great to ride around on a bike, but I basically prefer walking, myself.
Besides, the streets in Platina aren't that wide, so I think it would be tough even if I had one ...
I might buy one if I could, though.

俺なんかどこ行く時でも足代わりにして乗り回すだろうしな、当然チューンナップバリバリで!! I'd ride one for sure if we had 'em.
I"d probably ride around everywhere instead of walking, and I'd love to spend time tuning it up!!

I was pretty sure you'd say that, Senpai, but be careful not to get mixed up for someone in a gang.

それはそうとクロア、どうしてさっきからファミリーワゴンのチラシを熱心に見てるの? Honestly, men are always like this, getting all caught up in daydreams over this kind of thing.
Oh, and Croix, why were you so fixated on that flyer for that van?

それに雨の日とかの買い物もこれなら便利じゃないですか。 Well, I'd rather have something like that than a bike.
You can have a lot of people ride in one safely, and I'd want to be able to go places with Cocona.
You can't really seat two people on most bikes you can get these days.
Besides, this would be more convenient on hot days or when you're coming home from shopping.

ファミリーワゴンに乗って買い物に行く様子が、容易に想像できるもの。 ... ... well, this probably does fit Croix better than a bike.
It's pretty easy to imagine him driving home from the store in a van.

He seems more of a happy family man than a world-saving main character, doesn't he?

それも主人公としてどうかと思うけど……そっちの方がクロアらしいっていうのは事実なのよね。 I think that's appropriate for a main character, too ... ... but it does seem to suit Croix more.


Thankfully Lyner has more room to move around in Camp. (And at Island.)


(雪月花) Welcome back, Croix~!!
I was waiting for so long for you to come back~♪
Now that all three main characters are here, I have a question.
What do you all think of each other?
Well, I understand that Croix thinks Aoto is just some pervert who's after his little sister, so aside frome that.

どんな形でも良いから、三人で悪い奴と戦ったり、凄いもの作ったりとかしたいな。 What do I think of them ... ?
I like them both, it would have been great to have been friends in-game.
I could work with Croix as a fellow knight, and I could talk to Aoto about item creation; we could probably teach each other a thing or two.
It would be really great to fight bad guys and make cool stuff together.

ただ、クロアは……ちょっと怖いかもな。 I think Lyner would make a great synthesis buddy, too.
But, Croix ... is kind of scary.

ココナが最後まで無事でいられたのには、多かれ少なかれアオトがいてくれたおかげだとも思ってる。 I'm not sure why you're so afraid of me, but ... well, I guess it's my turn to answer.
I feel the same way about Lyner as he does about me.
If we'd had Lyner as a member of the Grand Bell Knights, I'm sure he would have been the kind of friend and partner who'd watch my back.
And Aoto ... first, I think I need to clear up a misunderstanding. I don't particularly dislike Aoto.
Actually, he's kind of interesting.
If he's got the guts to fling himself into battle as a civilian to protect a girl he likes, that really says something about him.
Besides, Cocona is still kind of inexperienced.
I'm sure Cocona's safety now is due in part to Aoto having protected her.

クロアは怖い人じゃなくて、しっかりした兄貴みたいな感じに見えてきたぜ! Huh!?
I-I never would have imagined you thought that way ... I'm kinda happy.
It looks like I had you figured wrong, Croix.
From now on I'll think you as a dependable older-brother type!

やんちゃな性格だからある程度は仕方ないとしても、度を越している点がどうもな。 ... ... still, you play bad pranks a little too much.
Even if you overlook the bath incident as an act of God, what's up with pulling people's pants down like that?
You've got a kind of pervy personality, so maybe it can't be helped, but there's limits to everything, you know.

……やっぱ、ちょっと怖いかもしれない。 ... ... I dunno, he's still kinda scary.

Hey, Croix, I thought I was your partner!

それまでずっと敵同士だったじゃないか。 Well, since the second half of the game.
We were enemies up until then, weren't we?

た、たしかにそうだが……くそっ、なんとも複雑な気持ちだ。 Th-that's definitely true, but ... dammit, what a complicated feeling.

タルガーナはツンデレだから、こういう話題はどうしても気になっちゃうみたいだね。 Targana's a tsundere, so it looks like he worries a lot about this kind of thing.


I like how Lyner is the only one who gets along with everyone. ;w;


(ニャゴ) Well, someone's broken the ice by asking a question about Lyner's mother.
So, I know very well that Leard isn't that good with this sort of thing, but I want to hear him speak about his own wife.
I think if I hear about that, I might even start studying Funbuns.

すまんが、それはできない。 Sorry, I can't.

まさか親父、恥ずかしがってるのか? Whoa, dad, don't tell me you're too embarrassed?

自分の愛した女性への愛を語ることに、どうして恥など感じる? ... ... you idiot son of mine, I didn't think you were that much of a fool.
Why should I be embarrassed to talk about my love for my wife?

じゃあどうして話せないんだよ? Wh-what!?
How'd this conversation end up like this!?

... ... it's just that no matter how much I said, I'd never be able to stop.

ていうか、今のレアードを見てたら、ちょっとキュンと来ちゃったし…… ... ... sorry, Lyner, I never wanted to say this, but ... ... you're nowhere near the man that Leard is.
I have to admit, my heart skipped a beat watching Leard just now.

あなたにはあなたの良いところが沢山あるんですから!! Yes, that's right!!
I know that Leard may look like a workaholic who's not interested in love, but he's actually a very passionate romanticist, which is wonderful!!
Oh, but Lyner, don't worry too much about it.
You have lots of wonderful things about you, too!!

……フォローしてくれるのは嬉しいですけど、多分俺、男として一生親父には勝てないってのはわかりましたよ。 ... ... thanks for trying to come to my rescue, but I already figured out I'll probably never be the man my father is.

ライナーも年をとればお父さんみたいな立派なことを言える男の人に……ち、近づけるかもしれないよ!! Don't worry, you know what they say, the older the wiser, right?
When you're older, you'll probably be ... m-more like him than you are now!

Look, lying about it to make me feel better is just going to make me lose all hope!!


This is why Lyner will be totally happy with just his Funbuns. HIS FUNBUNS WON'T JUDGE HIM. :|


(ゆうにょ) I want to make an Ar Tonelico character bento ... so please pick who I should make one of.
I'll definitely make it.

Please make a Funbun bento!!

ライナー、キャラ弁でオボンヌを作ったとしても、お弁当がオボンヌの味にはならないのよ? Lyner, even if they make a Funbun bento, you know that won't make it taste like Funbuns, right?

あの角ばった可愛らしい顔のラインを強調したデザインにしてもらえると、僕としては凄く嬉しいんですが。 Won't you make a bento out of my honey?
I'd be happy if you designed it to boldly highlight her cute, angled face.

Oh, darling!!
I'd be too embarrassed for you to eat me in broad daylight out in public!!

その言い方やめろよ、違うこと想像しちまったじゃねぇか!! Hey, don't put it that way, people will get the wrong idea!!

I want a Saki bento.

あ、アオトさん……サキのこと、食べちゃいたいんですか? H-huuuuh!?
Aoto-san ... d-does that mean you want to eat Saki?

これで弁当のありがたみ500%増しだぜ!! Well, what I really want to eat is your clothes.
When they made it, first they'd start if with a naked Saki, and then make underwear and clothes out of toppings.
That would make you a bento you could Purge in one fell swoop!!
That would make it 500% as great!!

Aoto-san, that's dirty!!
I wish you wouldn't think such dirty things about bento!!

……ここまでいくと、ある意味感心するレベルだけどね。 ... ... that's kind of impressive in a way, though.


Misha, stop crushing the dreams. ;w;


(応戦シリーズ) My stomach really hurts right now!!
But I want to read the Toukousphere, what should I do ...
(Ousen Series)

トイレに行ってスッキリしてから、ゆっくり見ればいいだろ。 What are you talking about, you're actually posting!!
But, you know, aside from April 1st, the Toukousphere won't every go anywhere, so don't worry.
You should just head to the bathroom now so you can enjoy it later.

時間がかかる場合には、暇つぶしに丁度いいじゃろう? Of course, you could use, say, a PSP or a mobile phone to read it while you're in the bathroom, too.
Isn't it perfect for passing time when it will take a while?

Mobile phones in the bathroom?
Everyone knows you've always supposed to read on the toilet!!

トイレで見るものと言えば新聞ではないのか? Newspapers are what you'd normally read in the bathroom, right?

新聞って……意外とおっさん臭いことしてたのね。 Newspapers ... you sound like an old fuddy-duddy.

これならトウコウスフィアはもちろん、読書やニュースサイトの閲覧もできるわ。 Aren't laptops best for when you're stuck in the bathroom?
Of course, then you could read the Toukousphere, news sites, or other online works.

... ... is that what you think laptops are for?


For a guy that fandom keeps calling him dense, he is the only one who comes up with the saner ideas rather than mocking others.



An angel fighting some bad guy up in heaven had one of his wings clipped and fell down to earth, and is going to get his revenge on evil with a huge sword ... that's kind of like Lyner, if you think about it.
Just like how he fell from Platina at the beginning of the story.


Hey, you've got a point ... ... Lyner, are you an angel!?
I bet you turn into an Odd Eye when your emotions get out of whack, and these shining wings pop out of your back if your anger tops out, and ...


Stop it, it's too dangerous to say any more!!


I-it looks like you're expecting something really out there, but I can't do anything like that.
My parents weren't angels or gods or anything, so I can't change my eye color or grow wings or anything, okay?


That's right.
Lyner's bride is a cute girl who's a goddess that administers a Tower, though.


Are you talking about Frelia!?

え? え?

What? What?
When did I become Lyner's bride?


Uhhh, no, I'm still single ... ...
Besides, there's no way I could marry Frelia, since we never met in the games.


I see ... ... well, then, that's all right.
But, a cute girl who's a goddess that administers a Tower ... ... who could that be except Frelia?


I think you're forgetting a certain glamorous Tower-administering goddess with an 87cm bust.


It may be 87cm officially, but it doesn't look that way at all, so I think calling it "glamorous" is a little ..


Wooooow. This pretty much says no matter which route Lyner goes, he is still single? I can almost hear the girls sobbing at this.

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