You're fast! I wasn't expecting this till weekend, hee.
Hasejun was leaning forwards in his seatAnd I feel that he looked really attentive at the part where Ueda was playing the Hana no mau machi prelude aka R&J song =P Must have brought back nice memories ne
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Okay, my last comment is that I want to say I don't know what image is Ueda trying to portray! First he wants us to say he's manly. Then he wears black lacy gloves in Marie Antoinette (Please see photo MP2010AB061 at SleepyUeda for reference.) and clothes with pearls in MP2010AB013 (I think he's singing Friends and Yankee here?) that looks totally girly XD Nevertheless, I think he looks totally cute in the concert and I totally love girly!Ueda manly!Ueda too ;)
Haha, I wanted to post it up as soon as possible because otherwise I would procrastinate XD I've been writing it up during my lunch break and between patients :P
Hasejun was leaning forwards in his seatAnd I feel that he looked really attentive at the part where Ueda was playing the Hana no mau machi prelude aka R&J song =P Must have brought back nice memories ne ( ... )
I've been writing it up during my lunch break and between patients :P
Thanks for the edits!
Yay long comments~ XDDDD
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