American Idol RPF
Too Mer to Woo PeaceablyAuthor:
aneasWord-Count: 8 500.
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Adam/Kris.
Disclaimer: This portrayal is entirely fictional. Not for profit, just for our entertainment.
Warnings: Another Mer!fic. I’m starting to worry. Also? Incredible levels of crack.
Summary: `Adam bites his lip, sheepishly. “Under normal circumstances, we’d have five cycles of courtship to get used to each other, but these are not normal circumstances. We’re actually on a very strict timeline, Kristopher. Excuse me for being a little anxious this courtship seems to be going nowhere,” he says, defensively.’
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here MP3 || Length: 1:03:08 hrs || Size: 58.1mb
Podfics were recorded with author permission. All of my podfic can be found