write 20 random facts about yourself, then tag as many people as the number of minutes it takes you to do it.
time started: 3:51
1. I'm clausterphobic. I hate hallways, crowds, loud noises and especially pep fests, which include all things I hate.
2. I'm probably one of the few people in highschool totally uninterested in sex.
3. I'm sitting in my pajamas even though it's 5 to 4pm.
4. I'm avoiding my homework right now.
5. I sleep with my stuffed teddy bear named Mr. Teddie, and cannot sleep on sheets that aren't made of flannel.
6. I don't like to eat junk food. I don't like the way it tastes, so by default, I eat healthy.
7. My favorite tv show as of late is House, and Bones might possibly get up there as well.
8. Last night I fell asleep at ten minutes to 8pm, it was amazing.
9. My favorite class is AP Euro Hist, and coincidentally it is also my most homework-packed class.
10. I want to be a artist in the advertising campaign industry, so I'll probably also get a major in Communications.
11. I type only moderatly fast, and I read reasonably slow, but I can remember information for years, as in, I still have memories from when I was in daipers.
12. I was potty trained at 2 years old.
13. I was under 4 ft tall until after 3rd grade.
14. There's a picture of me and my brother when I was one and he was three sitting on the computer desk, I still have the same eyes.
15. My eyes are the color hazel that is like...a rainbow of brown bleeding orange, bleeding green, bleeding blue-grey.
16. I have been healthy recently.
17. I'm taking a timeout for homework.
time ended:4:03
time restarted: 4:42
18. Mom and I are going to order a Nancy's deep dish pizza tonight, which is an absolutely fantastic pizza that is more of a pizza pie with the sauce on top of the cheese and...oh, it's good.
19. I haven't felt like cutting since over a month ago, and I haven't cut in 1 year and 5 months today
20. I miss everyone in Owatonna, and I wish you all the best.
Now you all had better...nah, only do this if you wanna.