Another installment of the anti-male Firefly culture.
Forty pictures behind the cut...
I'm going to do these in two episode chunks, as follows:
Part 3: "Shindig" and "Safe"
Part 4: "Our Mrs. Reynolds" and "Jaynestown"
Part 5: "Out of Gas" and "Ariel"
Part 6: "War Stories" and "Trash"
Part 7: "The Message" and "Heart of Gold"
Part 8: "Objects in Space" & maybe the deleted scenes and/or the first comic book
Part 9: Serenity (the movie)
Yea, because of school, this will take me in to the summer! *Maybe* I can get part 3 done in a week. I really hope Crazy Womyn is slow on doing "Objects in Space"...
This isn't a
direct protest against the Crazy Womyn anymore. I just had fun writing the first one that this is now some silly fun not to take seriously (not that the first one is meant to be taken seriously!) that I'll write in between homework assignments.
This post was friends only, but eh, it's about as pretty as it's going to get, so why not make it public? I'll probably end up editing it a little, to make it angrier and flow better. I'm an aspiring mathematician -- writing is not my strength!
I might advertise when I'm finished... If people should stumble upon this and they like it, good for them!
Point out stuff that I missed in these two episodes. :D
My evil twin doesn't use gender-neutral pronouns.
Evil twin writing:
sputtertoo: ooo thank you for your evil twin for standing up for us opresssssed mens
The truth needs to get out!
I told my friends about
my extreme displeasure over the pilot of Firefly. They tried to tell me that I was IMAGINING the anti-male agenda of the series, that I should give it another chance when I'm more clearheaded.
I was urged to finished off the first disk, but let me tell you: it does not improve. Well, I am more clearheaded, and I'm still appalled at this vile show!
The next episode ("The Train Job") was so horrible that I had to watch it TWICE!! Half the length of the pilot, but filled with the same amount of anti-male bile!
You must let the audience know right away what the show is about! Since this is the first episode that aired, they had to make it known right away that men are STUPID and USELESS. Apparently the misandry in this episode will be even less thinly veiled than that first ghastly first episode. Oh goody. At least now I know to have a puke bucket handy.
It opens with one of the females being kind enough to allow one of the male slaves play a game of Chinese checkers. It's cute to let your pets pretend that they're people. Of course, the male is completely incapable of being a viable opponent, and the other male stares on in slack-jawed awe.
The First Mate vanquishes her opponent and smiles evilly at the dumb brute who thought that he could ever have the brain power of a woman. Aww, isn't that precious. I'm going to be ill.
The slack-jawed male (Big Dumb Muscle) tries to curry favour with their enslaver, and manages to form a sentence. "Nice work, dumbass," he slurs. Fighting amongst the oppressed played for comedy! I can see why this show is so popular.
After that humiliating defeat, the beaten male stumbles to the bar for some life-giving alcohol (this is our "hero," remember?!).
In the first episode, it was made perfectly clear that a man's worth hinges entirely on his looks. It's easy enough to gather from that that if a male is even slightly unattractive, they are EVIL and unworthy of love!! So much so that no woman will ever want to enslave them. The cast off males spend their days in dank, depressing, poorly lit buildings, so no one can see them and they have the appropriate setting to think about how worthless they are. If a pretty, enslaved male happens by, they are reminded that they themselves are failures as subhuman beings, and they misdirect their anger at the pretty boy.
So when our hero encounters this creature at the bar, it's obvious to even a male what is going to happen.
Our "hero" gets tossed around for the amusement of the audience! Oh, violence against men sure makes for some great entertainment because IT'S FUNNY WHEN MALES ARE INJURED! Hur hur hur. My stomach is hurting from laughing too much! Oh, wait... that's just my lunch trying to come up because of the violent disgust I feel for this show!!
The First Mate joins in on the male beating fun. That'll show those bitches for messing with her toy.
Since this is Firefly, it doesn't take much to scare off the gang of ugly, dumb males. We can't have any males showing any sign of intelligence EVER, can we, show?
The Big Dumb Muscle once again tries to suck up to the First Mate by chortling about the "yokels" that they just tricked in to leaving. More men insulting men. You just never stop with the misandric sludge pouring out of the screen, do you, show? I HATE YOU!!
But Big Dumb Muscle's sycophantic ways were all for naught since the First Mate already has
a favourite slave that she liked to rape.
She promised her favourite pet that she would bring him a gift.
Of course, she couldn't have been bothered to actually follow through on the promise, but she enjoys giving her favourite victim a little glimmer of hope that he one day might receive some sort of affection, even in the form of some material object.
She pretended to give him something. While he batted at her hand, expecting to get something shiny and sparkly, she turned and shared a laugh with the (female!) Mechanic about how gullible men are, not a thought in their pretty little heads.
My vomit bucket is getting a lot of usage!!
Then it fades to black.
Well, that was a lot anti-male filth that I had to endure, but I made it! It was difficult, but...
Oh, God, it's only at the opening credits!!
*sobs* People watch this dreck for pleasure?
No, no, I must be strong. Onward!!
What have we here? A female in repose? What could she be dreaming of?
Evil males coming after her, of course!
This clearly shows the way that her subconscious justifies her mistreatment of males: males are responsible for all the evil, scary things in the world, so they must be punished.
Without a doubt, this shows the thought process of the people who created this show. They have some sort of psychological defect, and it ranges from saddening to ENRAGING (mostly enraging) to see it play across the screen.
Anyway, the Dreamer wakes up and finds that reality is more horrible than nightmares. Her brother is trying to talk to her instead of finding strangers who he can preach to about her greatness. She didn't have the time or patience for indulging such nonsense.
To keep her mind off of the bumbling buffoon, Dreamer begins noting aloud the specs of the ship. "Midbulk transport. Standard radion accelerator core class-code 03-K64. Firefly."
Our "hero" chooses this moment to wander in to the infirmery and proudly declare his ignorance. "Well that's somethin'. I can't even remember all that," he boasts.
YOU SEE? This is what this show is teaching impressionable youth: Men should compliment women at every opportunity, while happily chirping about their own ignorance because stupid men are cute and more desirable. They're so subjugated that this is ingrained in to their very being.
Dreamer is not impressed.
So the brother is supposed to be a doctor, right? Uh huh. Just some lame attempt to show imaginary male empowerment. "Look, boys, you too can be a doctor if you just put your mind to it!!" Only the most doctorin' we see Token Male Doctor doing involves simple first aid. Any moron (even a man on this show!) can figure out how to operate a band-aid. Ooo, progressive. Let's just ignore that Token is enslaved to his sister and is beaten on at every possible opportunity. I bet that he cries himself to sleep every night from the level of abuse he constantly receives.
Anyway, our "hero" needs some band-aids. It's been a rough day for Token, so he just stands around looking pretty (all that men are good for) instead of trying to help his alleged patient.
Our "hero" wanders back out, and Dreamer remarks on his name (wha?? these characters have names?): "Mal. Bad. In Latin."
BAD? His parents gave him the name of BAD? This level of man-hating HORRIFIES me!! Why didn't they just name him Constant Disappointment or Broken Condom or I Wish That You Had Been A Girl?!?!?!
Well, now I feel bad for our "hero." I'm renaming him Magical Flower in an attempt to bolster his self-esteem. At least one male should have it!
Cut to the Mechanic and the Main Enslaver, sitting around having "girl time," talking about how stupid and malleable men are. Main Enslaver, talking about her line of work, laughs about how she tells men, "A companion chooses her own clients." It makes for easier enslavement! The men will pay more, thinking that they're special, and Main Enslaver just gets rich exploiting male insecurities. She rapes men and takes their money!!! DETESTABLE!!
Magical Flower bursts in.
Main Enslaver is not pleased with this insolent behaviour and is quick to chastise him. I'm really surprised that she didn't whack him on the nose with a rolled up newspaper. It would fit right in with the male dehumanization agenda of this show.
I'm going to need to get a fresh vomit bucket soon!
Anyway, they got a job! And since the employer is ugly, that makes him automatically evil!!
And check out his office. I suppose that this show doesn't expect such lowly lifeforms (i.e., anything with a penis) to figure out the intricacies of decorating (or HIRING someone to decorate). That odd looking lamp is the prettiest thing there, and that's really sad.
Ugly Employer also speaks with an accent, and because this show is super racist, that means that he's EXTRA EVIL!!
Ugly Employer blusters for a while about how evil he is, and at one point, we're treated to a shot of a male being tortured.
This show just can't resist showing a male in pain whenever possible. Awful, awful show.
Why was it ever picked up as a series in the first place?!?!
Misandrist trash.
After the meeting and back on the ship, the Preacher laments, "I do feel awfully useless," while the Main Enslaver ignores him.
This is Firefly and you're a man -- of course you're useless!! And because this show is violently racist and you're black, you're extra useless!! Silly thing, learn that right now.
You should be lucky that Main Enslaver isn't beating you senseless right now... or doing to you what Mechanic is doing to Big Dumb Muscle!
Hanging play time?
I don't even want to think about it.
Then comes some appalling imagery.
The ship itself, Serenity, is referred to with feminine pronouns, and since a train is pole-shaped, that makes it male.
So, here we have a female stalking on an innocent boy train in order to violate it. And no one mentions that this is wrong!!!
When I saw this, I was shaking with rage. Never before have I seen something so horrific!
I'd be writing angry letters to Fox about this if they hadn't already made the wise decision to cancel the show. Bravo, Fox, for saving the world from this misandric garbage!
The First Mate and Magical Flower are on the train. To pass the time until the thieving starts, the First Mate bombards Magical Flower with insults such as "I think you have a problem with your brain being missing."
Will the madness never END?!?!
Because conflict is what drives stories, the heist can't go well. Being this is Firefly, the heist is foiled by a floundering male guard who accidentally came upon the scene.
The guard shoots around blindly because no male can react sanely.
On the ship, they drug Big Dumb Muscle for fun.
Males are just there for their entertainment! MADDENING!!
Why can't JUST ONE be treated like a person... even briefly???
Because the heist went badly, Main Enslaver must retrieve her wayward pet. She smacks him around a little, and the other captured males look on enviously, hoping to be adopted.
According to this show, a male needs to be accepted by a female to have self worth! Because most of those males were ugly, they'll never have self worth, and it hurts my soul to think of the sorrow that they have to live with every day.
Coming to the end, the episode realizes that it won't be complete without a man being beaten up by a woman.
And then another male is MURDERED for laughs!! (Continuing the horrible tradition from the pilot.)
This barrage of anti-male hate has just made me feel so numb... I don't know if I can make it through another episode!
Oh, well, I have nothing else to do today...
With that title, I was hoping that this was the episode where the males finally rose up and fought against their female oppressors!! ("bush whacked" -- see??!) Needless to say, I was disappointed. Very disappointed.
First off, we see that the women have taken to using the men as a form of transportation.
This new undignified development doesn't bode well for this episode.
Neither does the scene immediately after that where Main Enslaver is ensuring that Token is losing all of his independent thought.
"i love my sister my sister is the most intelligent and talented and beautiful person who ever lived the men did bad things to her all men are evil women are great" Some sort of droning like that.
Main Enslaver's plan for more compliant men is right on track.
Then some more stuff happens. When an alarm sounds, the First Mate's favourite rape victim squeals, "Oh my God! Who's flying this thing?! Oh, that would be me!" How do these people dress themselves in the morning? (Well, I guess they don't... the women dress them up as dolls to be as pretty as possible!!)
At this point, I called one of my friends to complain about being forced to watch this dreck. WHY DO THEY HATE ME SO?!?!
After my friend hung up on me, I had no idea what was going on in the episode! Not like I was going to rewind...
No one ever fed Big Dumb Muscle, and he was scrounging around in the kitchen of some abandoned ship, desperately searching for some sort of sustenance to give him the energy to make it through another day of constant abuse.
Of course, there's an evil presence on the ship, and of course, it's male.
Show, you're getting rather predictable!!
The favoured rape victim waits by the space phone, hoping for a call from his rapist, a call that will never come.
Men, the more your woman abuses you, the more she loves you!! That is what this show wants you to believe!! Getting a new vomit bucket now...
The crew is now facing some sort of danger. Reavers?? What the hell are they??? I knew I should have paying more attention...
OK, danger. The women are calm and collected. Then men jump up, shriek in terror, and have all kinds of undignified reactions.
The male that they picked up gets uglier by the minute. That, of course, means that he's becoming more evil exponentially!!
Maybe if someone would just give him a hug, they would avoid the unpleasantness that is sure to follow.
But no male ever receives any affection on this show. Tsk tsk.
The males' hysterics were getting on the women's nerves, so the males are sent to do some manual labour. The women are off eating ice cream while the men slaved away, I suppose.
The First Mate accidentally took a wrong turn and entered the cockpit (heh, heh, cock). Her rape victim, forgetting about the lack of a phone call, immediately demanded some comfort from his rapist because things were getting scary, and she grudgingly obliged.
Whoever created this show is a sick, twisted individual! I know this for a FACT because I inferred it from an interview that I read long ago! WHY DO THEY ALL HATE MEN?!?!
Men are so needy and stupid on this show. I'm OUTRAGED!!
Anyway, the crew meets with another obstacle: a ship full of bland, ugly MEN!!
What's up with this?!
Bah, show, you suck!! Grr...
The bland, ugly men interrogate the crew, and the enslaved males can't even put on a façade of dignity.
Rape victim is pleased with his enslavement and gleefully lets everyone know.
The others aren't so upfront about it.
It's a living, I suppose.
Guh, this show should have been about the uprising against the women!!
This is a space show! We get a scene in space with the sibling team.
Dreamer is delighted and brave and calm. You know, just like a woman on the show.
Token is scared and cowering and close to passing out. You know, just a man on the show.
This show can't get any worse!
OR CAN IT?!?!?
One male is brutally MURDERED!! The audience never knew his name, and he had no lines, but his death still deeply affected me. I mourned the tragedy that befell him and weeped for the anguish that would soon be consuming his friends and family. The death of a male is always a sad thing because they're special snowflakes.
I didn't get a screencap of the poor, murdered male, but that's his blood on the main bland, ugly male. Tragic.
It's always fun to see males flopping around on the floor in terror!! Quality show this is.
The reaver person got extra ugly.
He was promptly killed for having committed the sin of being ugly!
How can people watch this?!?!?
I found the episode so appalling that I watched it FOUR MORE TIMES!! That's how bad it is!!
After I was done, I burned the disk (with fire, not a burner) and tossed it out. That'll learn it.
The next episode was written by a woman (rather than a self-loathing male)... I don't think that I can do it!