So, I drove my little brother and his SO (or so I strongly believe XD) to Erie for an event they wanted to go to. It was called The 99, and they had tickets and seemed very excited. Since my father, who works third shift, had only gotten about two hours of sleep, I was the driver.
Anyways, we get there, and after finally finding the place, I parked the Blazer and the two boys went off to the tent. I waited in the truck, armed with music and the first Dante Valentine book. I keep getting distracted by the live band outside though, the music itself was good, but the singer really wasn't meant for scream-y Atreyu style songs. And then there is the fact I am pretty sure they are a Christian scream-o band, which made me laugh before returning to my book and turning up my music. Finally, two hours later, they come back looking, well, rather shell shocked. Here is the edited version of what happened next. I am sure it will be updated as they come farther out of their shocked comas.
Me- You two okay? You look a little, shocked.
Brother- I- I don't know.
Brother's SO- I might not be. I just, I don't know.
Me- (confused) Well, what was it?
Them- (Twitch)
Brother's SO- It was cool at first, the scenery and the actors were great...
Brother- And then we got to the end with the hell-evator.
Me- The what?
Brother's SO- The Hell-evator. Like an elevator to Hell. There was a guy with horns and children in cages...
Brother- And then a door opened and a bright light came in and a voice saying "Don't Worry, another has taken your place."
Me- (twitch) ...Are you serious?
Them- YES. It was cool and then they sprung Jesus on us!
Me- (points and laughs) Oh god, then those guys are scream-o Christians!
Brother's SO- (nods) I would have been okay if they had been more clear. Like on the tickets they could have said the 99 and Jesus. But no.
Brother- (scandalized voice) And then it was twenty minutes of Jesus talking. And I was just like, No. No, really. No.
Me- (comes to conclusion and laughing) You guys were just Rick-rolled by Christians!! (Using Kat voice, which is kinda like southern evangelical preachers) Oh Gentle Jesus! Sweet Savior preserve us!
Them- (stunned looks) Oh god.
And that was the highlight of my day really. But before all this happened, I made a playlist for the New Star Trek. Its Kirk/Spock themed, and is only seven songs, but I like it, and am putting it up here. Hope someone will find it and enjoy it. Maybe tomorrow I will put it up on one of the shiney new fandom communities, it depends on how lazy I am.
Here is the link, there should be a list in the zip of song explanations. Enjoy! And throw me a comment if you take it, thanks!
Edit- playlist down to be fixed, back up in a bit...