i still haven't fully recovered from last weekend, but i wanted to share my dad's e-mail today, which amused me. keep in mind my dad hasn't made an effort to talk to me since february, and i have no idea what he is talking about in roughly 80% of his email:
Hello Nicole Harding:
How are you at this time as you prepare to come home? I hope you have everything packed and ready to leave. Did you ship anything or are you bringing them with you? Did you try to find a job before you leave? Any luck?
I know that you will be here on the 14th, so I pray that you arrive safely. There is serious concern about the swine flu pandemic. I want you to take special precaution on the plane because of coughing, poor ventilation and closed corners on the plane. It would be good if you can find a cone shaped mask to use on the plane.
As you prepare to leave, I hope that you remember to bring my birthday gifts with you - 2 kimonos, blue and red. It would also be nice to get Mairelis a gift - maybe a kimono as well and I will pay for it. Make sure that you have 2 for me and not one. Japan is far away to shop for it.
I am sorry that I have not been able to email you as often as you wish, but a lot of stuff has been going on in the office which leaves me in a daze. I will tell you more about it when you get home.
I know that you have heard about Uncle Alwin's stroke, but I don't know what else to say. I heard that Trudah took him out of the hospital but no one has heard where she has taken him. I think that she does not want any of the members to visit him anymore and see him in his condition.
Nicole, this is all for now. I love you and again Mommy and I wish for your safe return. Don't forget to bring a gift for Terri and a token gift for her friend. We will see you soon.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Daddy and Mommy
note the mention about kimonoS... i read that twice like WTF?
still, my dad is a cutie.
10 days til i'm home... still can't believe it's almost over. :(