Title: Death by Shakespeare
Author: Aiisling
Prompt: Romeo and Juliet
Recipient: without_mission
Rating: R
Warnings: Sexual-stuff, character death
Notes: Please don't lynch mob me for sending this in so late. I know, I know, its really late. I've excuses (work, college, vacation, and
this damned fic that's been eating my LIFE) but nobody likes those, so
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Comments 24
"..murderous tendencies" <-- to put it lightly..XD ^_^
And god, the ending..So..*tries to find words but can't..* You did this simply perfectly.
"Maniacal laughter and scalding tears followed this announcement, a violent waterfall to carry Mohinder from this world to the next." <----- WOW
Oooooh so wonderful. Sylar is so delightfully crazy. The end = perfect! Violently, creepily sad. Quite twisted. Wow. The last line was like... guh. If I were more creative I would invent a word for it. But I'm not. Brilliant.
But damn you for bringing back death week! *is depressed all over again* ;P
Sorry XP. *hands bunny* Everyone likes bunnies!
Wonderful surprise, I'm in love with it!
I'm actually overdue for my own prompt too ^^; it's nowhere near as amazing as this though
I'm glad you don't care that it was late XP Sorry again!
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