Most of these i stumbled upon browsing discussion forums. I dont neccessarily consider them loose ends, however i felt like explaining exactly WHY
The Matrix
*Why do people die, if they die in the Matrix?
The most common rebut for this is "I had a dream where i died, then i stood up and continued to [insert whatever the person was doing in the dream before]". So in short - Yes, IF you were plugged in something SO close to reality as Matrix is (lets assume you do it voluntary. It is exactly as real as matrix - you CANT get out of it yourself - you would have to set a time, after which you are "sucked out" or whatever) and you "died" there (lets assume, system has not safety precautions" you would be dead.
There are two cases we have been told about in our studies: first was a case in early 20th century - victim of the experiment was someone who was sentenced to death. His eyes were blindfolded, and, for experiment purposes, he was to be killed slash-opening the veins on his wrists.Of course, he did not know what they are going to experiment with - they probably told him it is about measuring the amount of blood or what not.
So, his wrists were scratched - but not to the extent of slash-opening the veins, and with some clever system, warm water was poured down his hands, to create a sensual illusion of bleeding.
Well, guess what, the guy died - his heart started to beat slower and slower until it stopped. (of course, that would be only the clynical death, it would take a bit longer for brain-death... not like anyone was going to reanimate him)
Second case is less tragic... A guy was accidentaly locked in a freezing chamber, which, he was certain was turned on. It was not - it was not warm in there (15-17 degreees, celsius) but not cold either. He almost died of hypothermy, however he was saved - however, had he been in there for tad bit longer, and he WOULD have died.
Why dont you die in your dreams? Lets see... Most people dont have vivid dreams. Only part of people see their dreams non-monocrhome. Even less are able to feel something in the dreams (touches, temperature etc - when they happen in the dream, not in reality). Even less are able to taste or smell in the dream.
While you dream, your motoric functions are (usually) blocked by the brains - so quite possibly, you are not able to die in the dream - because your brain *knows* you are sleeping. (plus - even when you "die" in the dream, you either wake up, or dont completly die in the dream)
If we think about Matrix as a forced interface between neurons (what it seems to be - it is "cheating" the brains, right?) - brains would not KNOW that it is not for real. None of the body functions would be blocked - the "matrix" would intercept the signals, and return the answer as if they are filled... WIth this, we get to the second point
2) Using humans as batteries. Pointless - body spends more energy then it creates. Why not to keep them sedated?
Well, now think about the system again. What if when brain send impulse to the muscle to contract to bend the arm, the signal that makes the muscle to free the energy goes through, but something does not allow the muscle to USE the energy and takes it from there? Naturally - impossible today. However in THAT case body would create more energy then spend. AND it would only work, if brain would think the body is actually awake. Are you with me? Actually, it is not THAT pointless...
Thats about it. I dont remember any OTHER loose ends left in The Matrix. Sure, we did not see Zion (and i would have prefered it to be unseen). We did not know HOW the war begun (and who really cared?) or how will it end (again - who cares. It was not the movie about war)