Theme: 058 - Last dance; for
100_chancesAuthor: Chey (
Genre: General/serious
Rating: G
Pairings: Past YamixYugi implied
HereWarnings: AU, drabble
Spoilers: None
Summary: Some dance to forget...
Disclaimer: Yugioh and all that it entails is not mine.
Some dance to remember.
A few people picked him out, alone amidst the swaying bodies on the dance floor, and asked if he wanted to share a song.
Not tonight, was all he said.
No, not tonight.
Oh, maybe someday he’d be ready for that again; the thump of a pop beat, the warmth of a partner, the entwining of hands.
But tonight was a different kind of dance. Tonight was about sad songs and tears on his cheeks and a room that might as well be empty.
Tonight he danced for himself and with a memory; the music was theirs and theirs alone.
Some dance to forget.
X - X - X
Notes: Lyrics from Hotel California (The Eagles.) Whether Yami or Yugi is the MC is up to the reader. Drabbles are good for me to practice...I can get awfully wordy if left unchecked.