Theme: 067 - Angels and demons; for
100_chancesAuthor: Chey (
Genre: General/introspective
Rating: PG
Pairings: Yami no Yugi/Yugi implied
HereWarnings: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: Sometimes Yugi wished the being inside his Puzzle was a demon.
Disclaimer: Still not mine.
There were times when Yugi wished the being inside his Puzzle was a demon.
A demon would make sense. Demons were supposed to take over people’s bodies and make them do unspeakable things. Demons were naturally cruel and dark and amused by the pain of their enemies.
It would certainly be easier than trying to accept that a normal human spirit was capable of what the spirit of the Puzzle could do. Even though Yugi instinctively knew that the spirit would never harm him, and even though he knew the spirit now felt contrite, (for the most part), over his punishment of his enemies, when he thought about what the spirit had done, it made him shudder. If he himself had died and been stuck inside a puzzle for three thousand years, would he have come out vindictive and sadistic also? It was a disturbing thought.
And, more importantly, demonic forces would be a convenient explanation for the attraction.
Demons seduce people, Yugi told himself. Even people of their same sex. They’re sent to tempt humans into sin.
After all, he’d had a perfectly normal crush on Anzu for years. Then the spirit had come along, and Yugi found himself forgetting his interest in her and becoming more and more entranced by his other self’s long, leather-clad legs and firmly toned body. Not to mention his deep voice and flashing eyes and crooked, self-assured smirk…
He told himself it was wrong. Unnatural. Sick, even. But it felt too right to ignore. If only he could write it off as the spell of a demon. Or even that of an angel. A reckless, beautiful, rebellious angel, sent to protect and test him. He was even willing to believe that angels would tempt humans to sin as well (perhaps to challenge us, of course, to see if we can resist darkness, he would tell himself), if it would explain away his feelings.
But he couldn’t. Because mou hitori no Yugi was neither demon nor angel. He was simply a spirit with dark magic that he was willing to unleash on anyone who dared to upset his aibou. A ridiculously good-looking spirit with a smile that could make Yugi’s knees weak, a voice that could make his heart skip and movements so fluid that merely watching him walk could put Yugi on the verge of keeling clean over.
Which meant that this attraction was nothing more or less than Yugi’s true feelings for the other being.
And that unsettled him far more than anything the spirit had done.
X - X - X
Notes: Normally I have Yugi be totally cool with the whole, “I love another guy,” thing. I imagine he would be open-minded and he never seemed religious, but I've written him accepting it easily a million times. I wanted to try something different this time.